VPS Cloud Hosting: Its Benefits

We get a lot of questions about what exactly makes VPS cloud hosting a good choice for companies.  Hopefully, this article will help to address some of these queries.

When making your decision to choose a data centre for VPS cloud hosting, it can be hard to know what the best option is as there are so many options you can choose from. 

Does the data centre you’re looking at have ISO27001 or ISO9001 certifications? How secure are the data centre facilities? What costs are involved and what’s the response to support like? These are all questions you might be asking when actively seeking a new or alternative hosting company. 

There are multiple ways to deploy resources in the cloud: public, hybrid and private:

  • With public clouds, a third-party “cloud provider” such as AWS, owns and runs the physical infrastructure such as servers and storage devices, and then delivers the cloud services to users over the internet or direct connections.
  • The term “hybrid cloud” refers to a strategy of combining public and private clouds in order to get the benefits of both options.
  • Private clouds, hosted in private data centres such as the one at Datacentreplus, consist of infrastructure that is used exclusively by a single organisation, providing greater control over operations.

Here are some of the key advantages of using an independently owned data centre for cloud hosting solutions: 


Using our private cloud service gives you dedicated infrastructure with protected access with more agility to make the right choices in terms of access, compliance and physical protection. With the correct protocols, compliance and security software, your data and intellectual property can be as or more secure in a remote private data centre or private data centre suite, as if it were located on-premises. At Datacentreplus we hold ISO27001 and ISO9001 certifications for security and data management, providing your data with the highest level of protection, with risk mitigation built in. 


Although public cloud platforms such as Google Cloud are convenient, the usage fees can be substantial depending on the level of services that you require. Owning and operating an on-site data centre comes at quite a cost and can be a big drain on capital resources: you need to maintain a management team and pay to maintain security and upgrade infrastructure on a regular basis.

A private data centre cabinet, inside a multi-tenant data centre represents a happy midpoint between these two choices. In our data centre, you will receive all the benefits of moving to the cloud without having to worry about support and maintenance and you will have the ability to take full advantage of our Virtual Private Cloud solution. This is especially attractive for businesses that want to enhance their budgets and reduce capital expenses.


Businesses in highly regulated industries such as finance, insurance and healthcare may need to take extra care to protect the sensitive and confidential information that they handle through specific compliance protocols. However, using the public cloud may require these organisations to hand over some degree of control over these decisions.

Depending on the industry and the type of data, not all organisations may be able to upload all of their information into a public cloud as it may not conform to GDPR guidelines. By using a private data centre, these organisations can ensure that they securely store and transfer information and comply with all applicable regulations.


If you’ve been using a privately-owned on-site data centre but you’re curious about migrating to the cloud, then a private cloud in a private data centre may be the best solution for you. In a private data centre such as Datacentreplus, you’ll have dedicated infrastructure, and all of the same resources available with an on-site data centre so that you can perform the functions that your business requires.

If you would like any more information on our VPS cloud services or have a query about cloud hosting, please get in touch – 0161 464 6101 we are  always happy to help.


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