Tag: UK Dedicated Servers

Will Brexit impact your web hosting?

Following years of delay and uncertainty, the United Kingdom has officially left the European Union. There will be many changes to come when it comes to how we do business with the EU and although the effects of web hosting may not be your main worry, it’s an important thing to keep up with to

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What makes a good hosting provider?

When we talk about hosting, we mean the foundation of the site, where your data is stored and accessed. It’s often overlooked but choosing a hosting provider can be crucial to the smooth and efficient running of your website and getting it wrong may lead to a number of issues. But with so many options

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Technical Support: How to contact us over Christmas

Technical Support: How to contact us over Christmas We understand how busy the Christmas season can be and that for most it’s one of the busiest times of the year. That being said, we want to ensure you are equipped with the correct information which will enable you to speak with the right person to

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Why Choose Magento?

What is Magento? Magento has become a popular choice for e-commerce businesses and it’s not hard to see why. In a nutshell, Magento is an open-source content management system (CMS) platform for eCommerce websites which has a large, welcoming community. The PHP based platform stands out from the crowd because it is designed to be

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#TalkingTech: An introduction to Dedicated Servers

If you’re running, or planning to launch a website, you’re probably aware that there are several types of hosting options available to you.  Sometimes, it can be difficult to work out which is the best option and where to start, but not to worry, this is where we come in! In this short guide we’ll

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Datacentreplus launch 24×7 Service Status Page

We are very excited to launch our brand new 24×7 service status page. Our newly created status page is a communication tool that will enable us to better facilitate customer support features through transparent communication of current working status and various services.  The designated service status page will reliably help communicate the applications of core

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Keeping the digital lights on & beyond

In modern day society, our digital economy relies heavily on data and connectivity being managed efficiently and securely, so if we want to stay connected and remain online, we need data centres! It may surprise you but we heavily rely on data centre services for our day-to-day comforts. Without them, we would live in a

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Uptime is everything

We live in an interconnected world powered by information technologies, where site uptime should be a non-negotiable factor for businesses. Online stores, ecommerce websites and personal blogs (to name a few) rely heavily on having a website that runs smoothly and is accessible to carry out its daily functions and business purpose. So what exactly

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Disaster recovery: why do you need it?

Disasters come in various shapes and sizes, unplanned, and have the potential to strike at any time.  If 2020 has taught us anything, the world is unpredictable. There are a number of scenarios that can come with little to no warning and may hit your business hard (cyber-attacks, hardware failure, floods and fires) to name

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Stephen Hobson Appointed as Director of Business at Datacentreplus

Datacentreplus is pleased to announce that Stephen Hobson has been appointed as Director of Business at Datacentreplus. Since joining the company back in 2017, Stephen has been instrumental in driving the business forward, enhancing the company’s brand, improving customer experience and bringing onboard some very well-known brands, many of them iconic in Manchester. Stephen has

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