Tag: UK Dedicated Servers

Gavin Upsall joins Datacentreplus as Senior Account Manager!

We are very excited to announce that Gavin Upsall has just joined our growing Client Communications team as Senior Account Manager. Gavin is a very well-known and respected figure within the hosting business sector and has more than 12 years of experience. Notably, Gavin has worked for a number of hosting providers, including Melbourne Hosting

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What is Colocation?

Colocation is the practice of housing a company’s own server(s) within a third-party data centre. Why might a company want to do this? This allows a company to use their own hardware and software to run the server and is a useful option if the company already owns the hardware or they have applications that

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Is your business post-covid ready?

With things beginning to revert to normal it is important to ensure your business is ready for returning to a more normal way of working and we thought it would be a good idea to list some of the areas you may want to consider. Of course, these do not apply to some types of

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Barnabus Manchester: Unsung heroes provide vital support

Today we are celebrating the support we receive from an unsung hero of our work. Behind the scenes Datacentreplus have been hosting our client database pro bono as part of their commitment to give back to the community in Manchester. This might not sound very important but it is critical to be able to record

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Have you backed up your data?

Most of us know how frustrating it can be when we lose important files, both personal and work-related but have you got the best backup for your business data? In an increasingly  digital world, businesses would take a huge hit if something happened to their data and with the ever-increasing threat of cybercrime and the

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What is the real value of uptime?

As businesses of all sizes continue to grow and with the development of new applications and technologies, it has become increasingly important to ensure that they are online at all times to stay competitive. In such an interconnected world, uptime should be of paramount concern to all businesses in order to remain competitive and offer

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What is ‘managed hosting’ and is it right for your business?

‘Managed’ hosting keeps the day-to-day management of servers, system hardware, and system software in the hands of your hosting provider. As you may already be aware, a hosting provider (such as ourselves) provide space on physical or remote servers owned or leased for use by clients, as well as providing internet connectivity within a secure

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#TalkingTech: An introduction to Linux dedicated servers

From smartphones and cars to digital devices and wearables to desktops and Linux dedicated servers – the Linux operating system is everywhere.  Nowadays, Linux runs almost everything and is widely used all over the globe. In fact, the server landscape is being dominated by the open-source platform and is a highly popular choice for all

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Safer Internet Day: how to protect your data

In light of the on-going pandemic and the number of us now working remotely and using online systems to communicate and complete tasks, it has never been more important to mark Safer Internet Day and make sure our network security is up to scratch at every level (at the very least). With the continuation of

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