Tag: Server Hosting

What makes a good hosting provider?

When we talk about hosting, we mean the foundation of the site, where your data is stored and accessed. It’s often overlooked but choosing a hosting provider can be crucial to the smooth and efficient running of your website and getting it wrong may lead to a number of issues. But with so many options

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Datacentreplus: Our Story So Far

Those who know him will tell you that Mashukul Hoque is a person of good moral character and strong family values. A Manchester-based entrepreneur with a strong track record in the digital sector, he decided to set up a new type of data centre, after noticing that many of the established providers offer an impersonal

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National Technology Day 2021

Today marks National Technology Day in the UK and to celebrate, we are taking a look at how technology has shaped our past, present and future. From the invention of the wheel to the iPhone glued to your hand, our technological advancements have changed the world in spectacular ways including how we communicate, live, work

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5 reasons why your business needs good technical support

5 reasons why your business needs good technical support Server hosting is not always easy, problems will come up and if your hosting provider does not offer quality customer and technical support then you’re likely to be left feeling frustrated. Outages, downtime and having little or no control over your IT resources can be a

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#TalkingTech: An introduction to Dedicated Servers

If you’re running, or planning to launch a website, you’re probably aware that there are several types of hosting options available to you.  Sometimes, it can be difficult to work out which is the best option and where to start, but not to worry, this is where we come in! In this short guide we’ll

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How to boost your e-commerce Christmas sales

It’s almost that wonderful time of year again! And what a year it’s been! People seem to be putting up their decorations early and are itching to carve those turkeys and eat those mince pies! With that in mind, it’s important to note that a lot of people have also been doing their online Christmas

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Datacentreplus launch 24×7 Service Status Page

We are very excited to launch our brand new 24×7 service status page. Our newly created status page is a communication tool that will enable us to better facilitate customer support features through transparent communication of current working status and various services.  The designated service status page will reliably help communicate the applications of core

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Customer Success Story: Victory Design

Victory Designs’ ongoing business philosophy is simple but effective – to listen to their customers and deliver top quality branded products on budget and on time, on a national scale. Justin Hines, Sales Director at Victory Design, recently sat down with the team at Datacentreplus to discuss the critical importance of their website and online

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Keeping the digital lights on & beyond

In modern day society, our digital economy relies heavily on data and connectivity being managed efficiently and securely, so if we want to stay connected and remain online, we need data centres! It may surprise you but we heavily rely on data centre services for our day-to-day comforts. Without them, we would live in a

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Virtual vs Physical Servers: Pros & Cons

Businesses need secure, reliable, and high-performance processing and storage solutions for their applications and data. While comparing different hosting services, you are likely to see a variety of options to choose from. Deciding between physical servers and virtualisation often isn’t a simple choice, due to complex business requirements and the pros and cons of each

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