Tag: Datacentreplus

Now is a good time to upgrade your server

It seems that we’re forever being told to upgrade to the latest phone, tablet laptop, etc. and it is sometimes difficult to keep pace with the rate of change when it comes to technology. With the increasing importance of an online platform, now is a good time to upgrade your server! (especially given the circumstances

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Cloud vs Dedicated Server – What’s the best option for my business?

While comparing different service providers you’ll have probably heard of two of the more common types of services from data centres:  cloud hosting and dedicated servers. While any of these would be able to get you started it’s important to choose the service that best suits your business needs. Both have their advantages and disadvantages

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How does a dedicated server hosting platform benefit your business?

Have you ever wondered exactly what we mean by the term dedicated server hosting? With a number of hosting packages, options and support features available from a variety of data centres and hosting providers, questions about dedicated server hosting is something that our customers ask us about more than any other hosting solution we provide. 

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5 server security tips & best practices

A server is a powerful computer, providing one or more services to users on a particular network. It’s important to ensure protection of the data, content and assets stored on a web server and other business data which may be considered confidential. This is also known as server security (an area which our customers often

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What is IPv4 and will it run out?

Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are a crucial resource for the functioning of the Internet.  Almost all the IP addresses in use today are IPv4, the fourth version of the Internet Protocol that was adapted and is now widely used in data communication over different kinds of networks. Yet, experts predict that within the next few

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Is colocation right for my business?

One of the services that many data centres and hosting companies provide is known as ‘colocation’ and we thought it would be useful to outline what it is and how it can benefit your business.  What is Colocation? Colocation is a hosting option utilised for businesses of all sizes for a variety of reasons. Essentially,

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What you need to know about cloud hosting

It’s difficult to avoid the term Cloud Hosting but you may not be entirely familiar with exactly what it is.  Read on to find out….  To provide you with a brief overview of cloud hosting, this short article should help you gain a  good insight into cloud hosting and its benefits and tell you what

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ISO 27001

Datacentreplus secures ISO 27001 recertification

We’re very pleased to announce that, following a three day rigorous audit, Datacentreplus has been recertified under the prestigious ISO 27001 certification.  We originally achieved this status for data and information security management in 2017 and this is our first recertification since then.  Achieving accredited certification to ISO 27001 demonstrates that a company is following

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Top 5 reasons why you should consider a managed hosting solution

Managed hosting keeps the day-to-day management of servers, system hardware, and system software in the hands of your hosting provider. This comes with a number of benefits, and often allows you to focus on core business objectives and key competencies (and is often something our customers ask us about). So, to help you to boost

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How to minimise the risk of cyber crime in the workplace

Computer and IT security has become a critical part of a business’s operations and plays a big part in its success or otherwise. We often get asked a lot of questions about workplace security and the importance of cyber security audits, so thought it would be worthwhile putting a short guide together to help you

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