Tag: Datacentreplus

Cyberattack – Some Immediate Steps To Take

Cyber-attacks are predicted to rise, meaning the overall risk of a successful attack is becoming more likely. Even with Cybersecurity measures in place, no system is completely secure so in most cases having a response procedure in place can be the best defence. Here are some of the steps we suggest taking if you suspect

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Mental Health Week – Raising Awareness

For Mental Health Week this year, we’re raising awareness of the influence of loneliness on our mental health and the practical steps we can take to address it. Some people are at higher risk of feeling lonelier than others. But there are things we can all do to cope with loneliness and prevent some of

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Kickstart Scheme: Sophie Joining Datacentreplus!

Here at Datacentreplus we recognise just how important the youth of today are and how offering opportunities for them to grow within their career is vital to their future. That is why we have been involved in the Kickstart Scheme a number of times.  The Kickstart Scheme, which was launched by the government, offers 16-24

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Gavin Upsall joins Datacentreplus as Senior Account Manager!

We are very excited to announce that Gavin Upsall has just joined our growing Client Communications team as Senior Account Manager. Gavin is a very well-known and respected figure within the hosting business sector and has more than 12 years of experience. Notably, Gavin has worked for a number of hosting providers, including Melbourne Hosting

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What You Should Know About Dedicated Servers

Datacentreplus prides itself on excellent server hosting options, offering a range that includes cloud solutions, Colocation and Dedicated servers, to serve every business need.  With all the talk of flexibility in cloud services, sometimes there is the worry that being too flexible can cause a large spike in costs. This article looks at the advantages

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International Women’s Day!

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. IWD has been observed for over 100 years with a focus on unity, equality and diversity and primarily celebrates the movement for women’s rights. Our company is proud to be celebrating women where the great Suffragettes

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International Women’s Day!

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. IWD has been observed for over 100 years with a focus on unity, equality and diversity and primarily celebrates the movement for women’s rights. Our company is proud to be celebrating women where the great Suffragettes

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What is Colocation?

Colocation is the practice of housing a company’s own server(s) within a third-party data centre. Why might a company want to do this? This allows a company to use their own hardware and software to run the server and is a useful option if the company already owns the hardware or they have applications that

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Power: An integral part of our data centre

As obvious as it sounds, power is a critical part of a data centre. Basically, data centres rely on power for just about everything they do. No power, no data! It really is like anything else that requires electricity. To ensure that everything runs smoothly at all times in a data centre, the System Administrators

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