Tag: Cloud Servers

Hyperscale computing – What Is It?

Every so often we write about some of the current trends or advanced technologies in our sector, which may not be directly related to your needs, but nevertheless is an interesting topic.   In this article, we will be talking about ‘Hyperscale Computing’. Put simply, Hyperscale Computing is when a computing architecture is implemented in your

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What is Big Data?

The phrase ‘big data’ is a commonly used term used to describe data that is challenging to process, with traditional methods of handling this data being shown to be near impossible due to the volume of data. ‘Big data’ can be classified into six areas, also known as the 6 Vs.  Volume The day-to-day running

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The advantages of having your hosting servers local

When choosing your hosting provider there are a few things to consider, however, one that is often overlooked is the location. Having your hosting provider based locally to you is a lot more beneficial than you might think, here are a few reasons why. Size While it may seem logical to go for the provider

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Datacentreplus named as finalist in The Northern Asian Powerlist 2020

We’re thrilled to announce that Datacentreplus CEO, Mashukul Hoque, has been nominated as a finalist in the inaugural Northern Asian Powerlist 2020, in the Digital and Technology category. The Northern Asian Powerlist 2020 celebrates the contribution of Asian influence and impact across the North of England and showcases the prominent businesses, professionals, influencers, women, media,

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What you need to know about cloud hosting

It’s difficult to avoid the term Cloud Hosting but you may not be entirely familiar with exactly what it is.  Read on to find out….  To provide you with a brief overview of cloud hosting, this short article should help you gain a  good insight into cloud hosting and its benefits and tell you what

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VPS Cloud Hosting: Its Benefits

We get a lot of questions about what exactly makes VPS cloud hosting a good choice for companies.  Hopefully, this article will help to address some of these queries. When making your decision to choose a data centre for VPS cloud hosting, it can be hard to know what the best option is as there

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