Tag: Cloud Hosting

Is The Future of Office Spaces Virtual?

With the world being told to work from home and embrace the remote work lifestyle, will businesses continue to adopt this virtual mindset or revert to their physical roots? When the work from home order was first introduced many companies were unprepared, but after some organisation and implementing a proper remote working system, some companies

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Top Tips To Avoid Phishing Attacks

We’ve all heard horror stories about the types of phishing attacks that are out there and it seems that cybercriminals who use phishing attacks to try to part us from our personal details and our money are getting smarter by the hour. Phishing is a type of social engineering attack in which criminals attempt to

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How to handle your site’s unpredictable traffic spikes

When it comes to your site’s unpredictable traffic spikes the old saying ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’ comes to mind. Did you know that the majority of users will abandon a website in 8 seconds if it fails to load a page? It’s every web owner’s worst nightmare – especially if you own an

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What is cloud hosting & how does it work?

It’s difficult to avoid the term cloud hosting but you may not be entirely familiar with precisely what it is. With the recent shift to cloud-based working and an increase in businesses looking for cloud-based services, cloud hosting has become a popular and attractive hosting solution for many businesses.  Experts say 60% of workloads were

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The future of work in 2021 and beyond

In 2020 the world as we know it changed in ways that most of us could not have imagined. Although most of us long to go back to the good old days of meeting friends over brunches and after-work drinks with friends, there have been some positive side effects to the gloom that has been

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Cybersecurity: How to protect yourself at work and at home

Cybersecurity threats seem to increase every year. No matter how advanced defenders get, opportunist thieves and hackers’ methods seem to get more sophisticated and tech-savvy with new threats surfacing each year.  Of course, 2020 was no ordinary year, the Covid-19 pandemic in many ways has been a catalyst for an increase in cybersecurity threats with

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Beating Blue Monday during lockdown

It is said that Blue Monday is the saddest day of the year. Christmas is over, New Year’s celebrations have come and gone and your pocket is probably emptier than you’d like it to be. All this is usually enough to make even the happiest people a little blue without throwing a global pandemic on

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How to stay safe on Computer Security Day 2020

The 1980s were an exciting time – alongside extreme fashion and big hair, it was also when the beloved internet was born, which we now know, as a society, simply cannot do without. Around the time that computers were becoming commonplace, so too were hackers and viruses. As our systems became more sophisticated, essential files

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