Tag: charity

Mental Health Week – Raising Awareness

For Mental Health Week this year, we’re raising awareness of the influence of loneliness on our mental health and the practical steps we can take to address it. Some people are at higher risk of feeling lonelier than others. But there are things we can all do to cope with loneliness and prevent some of

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Forever Manchester – Business Supporters Lunch

Forever Manchester is a Manchester-based charity that aims to raise money to fund and support community activity across Greater Manchester. We have worked closely with Forever Manchester for a number of years and have been lucky enough to get involved with some of their work as well as being able to support this amazing cause.

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Barnabus Manchester: Unsung heroes provide vital support

Today we are celebrating the support we receive from an unsung hero of our work. Behind the scenes Datacentreplus have been hosting our client database pro bono as part of their commitment to give back to the community in Manchester. This might not sound very important but it is critical to be able to record

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Captain Manchester Forever Manchester at Datacentreplus

Captain Manchester brings good deeds to MediaCityUK

We are thrilled to have taken part in the Captain Manchester campaign for the Forever Manchester charity. Forever Manchester is a charity that raises money to fund and support community activity across Greater Manchester. Captain Manchester was originally designed as a marketing stunt in 2013 for the Forever Manchester charity. The campaign involved a man

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