Tag: business

International Women’s Day!

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. IWD has been observed for over 100 years with a focus on unity, equality and diversity and primarily celebrates the movement for women’s rights. Our company is proud to be celebrating women where the great Suffragettes

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How to contact us over Christmas and Thank You!

It has been a difficult year for many people and, as the year draws to an end, we think we could all do with a break. 2021 saw many significant investments by us in improving infrastructure and adding even more resilience to our systems and we will have more to say on this next year,

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One Does Not Simply Walk Into Manchester – Hospitality Map

Click here to view our map! I’m sure we can all remember that fateful day in March 2020. The whole country plunged into lockdown, with no sign of release and Britain’s people confined to their homes unless for an emergency. This saw lots of places we once enjoyed visiting, such as restaurants, shut down for

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Is your business post-covid ready?

With things beginning to revert to normal it is important to ensure your business is ready for returning to a more normal way of working and we thought it would be a good idea to list some of the areas you may want to consider. Of course, these do not apply to some types of

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How to boost creativity in your workplace

Everyone knows that creativity is an indispensable asset in any business if you want to stand out from the crowd. Many businesses are now having to adapt to changes as a result of the pandemic and we thought it would be useful to provide some tips on how you can help boost creativity in your

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Is The Future of Office Spaces Virtual?

With the world being told to work from home and embrace the remote work lifestyle, will businesses continue to adopt this virtual mindset or revert to their physical roots? When the work from home order was first introduced many companies were unprepared, but after some organisation and implementing a proper remote working system, some companies

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Why is Firewall Protection Essential For Your Business?

What is a firewall? A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules/policies. They act as a barrier between secured internal networks and untrusted outside networks, such as the internet.  Firewalls are available

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Top Tips To Avoid Phishing Attacks

We’ve all heard horror stories about the types of phishing attacks that are out there and it seems that cybercriminals who use phishing attacks to try to part us from our personal details and our money are getting smarter by the hour. Phishing is a type of social engineering attack in which criminals attempt to

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Will Brexit impact your web hosting?

Following years of delay and uncertainty, the United Kingdom has officially left the European Union. There will be many changes to come when it comes to how we do business with the EU and although the effects of web hosting may not be your main worry, it’s an important thing to keep up with to

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Datacentreplus named as finalist in The Northern Asian Powerlist 2020

We’re thrilled to announce that Datacentreplus CEO, Mashukul Hoque, has been nominated as a finalist in the inaugural Northern Asian Powerlist 2020, in the Digital and Technology category. The Northern Asian Powerlist 2020 celebrates the contribution of Asian influence and impact across the North of England and showcases the prominent businesses, professionals, influencers, women, media,

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