Stephen Hobson: 2 Years at Datacentreplus

Stephen Hobson 2 Years at Datacentreplus

It’s hard to remember what life was like in the Datacentreplus office before Stephen joined us! – it was certainly much quieter.

Communications Manager, Rachel  caught up with Stephen, Head of Account Management, who shares his journey at the company so far.

Just over 730 days ago, Stephen joined Datacentreplus and has played a critical role helping to expand the business by servicing new and existing clients. He has brought to the company extensive knowledge and experience, having worked for other known data centre companies and technology providers.

Here’s a little insight into the weekly life of Stephen and some of his biggest achievements to date.

What does a typical week consist of at Datacentreplus?

A typical week in the life of Stephen is never the same and I am more often or not, out of the office than I am in the office. A large part of my week consists of meeting new and existing clients and building business relationships. I am a member of various networking groups and events and I love meeting new people to see how we can do business together.


What is the best thing about working at the company?

The best thing about working at Datacentreplus is the people I work with and the owner. I know it’s very easy for people to say that, but I am lucky enough to work for a business who really care about their staff.

The position I hold means I’m managing several things at once so having the correct support around me is vital. I have a great friendship with Rachel, our Communications Manager and putting our vision, strategy and material together has been exciting. The future and the next three years are probably going to blow the last 24 months away.


Tell us something interesting about one of your colleagues that we probably don’t already know.

There are too many not to share. So, Rachel once wrote a poem about Ryan Giggs and could recite the whole thing from about 14 years ago!. Dave finished 20 chicken wings and a whole peri chicken at lunch. However, I think probably our MD, Mash, eating cornflakes with Coca-Cola in university is one of the funniest stories I have ever heard. I really love that Josh is in a band and I also know who Captiness Manchester is.

What is your biggest achievement to date?

Witnessing the growth of the business and other staff members development is a great achievement and one of my highlights at the company. We have also taken on some very exciting brands and businesses that we are really excited to be a part of.

My aim for the first two years was to highlight the amazing service we offer and looking after clients that include the likes of ATTAIN Digital, Forever Manchester, I Love Manchester, Embryo Digital and Victoria Warehouse, which gives an infection of the amazing collective partners we continue to work with.


What does the future look like for Datacentreplus?

The future of Datacentreplus is looking extremely bright and I am really excited to be a part of its growth. There are a lot of really exciting things happening at the company and I am very much looking forward to growing our brand and network across the North West.


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