Prolific North Tech Awards

The Prolific North Tech Awards 2021, that took place on the 21st October at the Manchester Science and Industry Museum in Manchester, celebrated the incredible innovation of the region’s tech sector. It rewarded organisations, teams and individuals who have grown incredibly in the tech industry. The North of England plays a crucial role in this sector, and it is only fair that it is celebrated for the amazing work it does. 


It was fantastic for Datacentreplus to attend the awards, it’s been a long time since we got to enjoy a fun awards ceremony and catch up with some of the best talent in the North. It was fantastic to see our clients, including Beeta, who were nominated for an award on the night, and to be treated to some lovely food and hospitality at the venue.


Datacentreplus plays a key part in the tech sector growth in the North West, and is proud to see so many innovators in the sector as a hosting solutions provider. It’s great to hear the positive feedback on the superfast hosting we offer to customers all across the UK.  We know that we deliver a good service, but to hear it from our customers is one of the best feelings!


Director of Business, Stephen Hobson, said: “Wow, what a night, sat amongst so many great people, seeing how tech has pushed on throughout Covid and innovated so much more”.


Thank you to Prolific North for inviting us. It was fabulous to see all areas of the tech community connecting again and commemorating their tremendous successes. We can’t wait to start attending more award ceremonies and events in the not-so-distant future.

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