Privacy Policy

We understand that your privacy and the security of your personal information is extremely important. This notice sets out out what we do with your personal information, what we do to keep it secure, from where and how we collect it.


The purpose of this policy is to explain how Sandyx (The Parent Company) trading as Datacentreplus collects, protects, and uses personal data. Datacentreplus is committed to ensuring that any personal data supplied by its Clients or is otherwise generated by its business activities is collected and processed fairly and lawfully.

Safe Harbor Standards

On October 6th 2015, the European Union Court of Justice (EUCJ) issued a ruling which by inference is seen to invalidate Safe Harbor. However, at Datacentreplus, we have made sure that we are fully complaint with the EU Data Protection Directive requirements applicable to our role as a Data Centre for data being transferred outside the European Economic Area.

What Types Of Personal Data Does Datacentreplus Collect?

Datacentreplus needs certain personal data to enable it to provide its products and services to its Clients and end users. The personal data collected will generally include: company name, company size and sector, individual contact names (first and last name) and job titles for delivery, installation, support and billing, postal address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses. Datacentreplus will also collect logs of verification checks made. Access to personal data that is generated over the Network utilised by Datacentreplus services include IP and email addresses for incoming and outgoing data and network usage data. In certain circumstances Datacentreplus may also collect financial information about Datacentreplus Clients and end users from third parties to enable Datacentreplus to assess its risks in granting credit terms and contact information about organisations Datacentreplus considers may be interested in Datacentreplus products and services.

How Does Datacentreplus Obtain Personal Data

Datacentreplus obtains personal data in a number of ways including from orders placed by Clients and end users (whether by telephone, fax or email or by application form); from enquiries made by existing Clients and potential Clients, (including information gathered at marketing events and via the Datacentreplus website); from third party list brokers; from resellers who pass on personal data to Datacentreplus about end users; and directly from the Network utilised by Datacentreplus services.

How Does Datacentreplus Use The Personal Data It Holds?

Providing and Improving the Datacentreplus Service

Most of Datacentreplus’ use of personal data is necessary to enable it to provide a service to its Clients and its end users, including order processing, delivery, installation and support services as well as for invoicing and in order to answer general Client enquiries. For example, during the order process Datacentreplus shall verify and/or cross validate your personal details at least once a year and at any other time Datacentreplus deems necessary. 

In addition, Datacentreplus may also use personal data to improve on the level and type of service Datacentreplus offers to its Clients. As part of this interest in improving the service provided, Datacentreplus may process personal data for the purposes of sales analysis and Client usage statistics.

Direct Marketing

Datacentreplus may from time to time inform its Clients, end users and potential Clients about Datacentreplus and Datacentreplus affiliate products and services and other information Datacentreplus feels may be of interest.

Clients and other recipients of information from Datacentreplus may indicate at the time they first place an order with Datacentreplus whether or not they wish to receive such information or at any later time by simply contacting Datacentreplus.

Third Party Marketing

Datacentreplus, like many other companies, use remarketing features whereby third party vendors (including Google) display Datacentreplus’s adverts on sites on the internet and use cookies – to serve adverts – based on a user’s prior visits to the Datacentreplus website to assist Datacentreplus in collecting information on who visits the Datacentreplus site.

Datacentreplus will use first party cookies (such as Google Analytics cookie) and third party cookies (such as Double click cookie) together to report on how Datacentreplus use ad impressions, other uses of ad services and interactions with ad impressions and ad services for visits related to the Datacentreplus site, in addition to data or third party audience data in relation to age, gender and interests.

Clients may opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page. Alternatively Clients may opt out of a third party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt out page.

Does Datacentreplus Transfer Personal Data Overseas?

Datacentreplus does not transfer or process and customer personal data outside the UK. 

To Whom Does Datacentreplus Disclose Personal Data?

Datacentreplus will pass personal data within its internal departments in order to fulfil sales and support obligations as well as to finance departments to enable invoicing.

As a general rule, Datacentreplus does not disclose personal data to unaffiliated third parties except where Client consent has been obtained, where Datacentreplus is under an obligation by law to disclose personal data or where Datacentreplus has contracted with third parties to assist in providing services to Datacentreplus Clients such as for delivery, installation and systems support services.

How Does Datacentreplus Protect the Personal Data it Holds?

Datacentreplus takes Client confidentiality and security very seriously. Datacentreplus has implemented appropriate internal security procedures that restrict access to and disclosure of personal data within Datacentreplus. These procedures will be reviewed from time to time to determine whether they are being complied with and are effective.

Datacentreplus will not use any of the Clients sensitive information about the site or app whilst collecting data for the purpose of remarketing. Sensitive data includes:

  • Interest or participation in adult activities (including alcohol, gambling, adult dating, pornography, etc.)
  • Sexual behaviour or orientation
  • Racial or ethnic information
  • Political affiliation
  • Trade union membership or affiliation
  • Religion or religious belief
  • Negative financial status or situation
  • Health or medical information
  • Status as a child under 13
  • The commission or alleged commission of any crime

Datacentreplus will also actively investigate and cooperate with law enforcement agencies any allegations of abuse or violation of system or network security as set out in the applicable Datacentreplus Acceptable Use Policy (

Clients’ Rights

The law in certain jurisdictions (including countries within the European Economic Area) gives individuals whose personal data is held by Datacentreplus specific rights to access and rectify personal data held about them. These include the right to:

1. Obtain from Datacentreplus, for a prescribed fee, confirmation that personal data is held, as well as a written description of such personal data, the purpose(s) for which it is being used, the source(s) of the personal data and details of any recipients;

2. Request the deletion or rectification of personal data which is inaccurate;

3. The right to object to any unsolicited information sent by Datacentreplus regarding promotions or new products and services.


We sometimes collect non-identifiable information from visits to our Web sites to help us provide better customer service. For example, we keep track of the domains from which people visit, and we also measure visitor activity on Datacentreplus Web sites, but we do so in ways that keep the information non-identifiable. Datacentreplus or other organizations on Datacentreplus’s behalf may use these data to analyse trends and statistics and to help us provide better customer service.

Also, when we collect personal data from you in a transaction, we may extract some information about that transaction in a non-identifiable format and combine it with other non-identifiable information. If you do not want your transaction details used in this manner you can disable your cookies.

We collect the information we mentioned in the previous paragraphs through the use of various technologies, including one called “cookies”. A cookie is a piece of data that a Web site can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your computer as an anonymous tag that identifies your computer but not you. Some Datacentreplus pages use cookies, sent by Datacentreplus or its third-party vendors, or other technologies to better serve you when you return to the website.

NOTE: You can set your browser to notify you before you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it. You can also set your browser to turn off cookies. If you do so, however, some websites may not work properly.

Disclosures Required by Law

Please be aware that in certain circumstances, it is possible that personal information may be subject to disclosure pursuant to judicial or other government information requests, warrants, or orders.

Links to Non-Datacentreplus Web Sites

Datacentreplus websites may contain links to other websites. Datacentreplus is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of those other websites.

Privacy Questions and Access

If you have any questions about this policy, you can send an email to the Datacentreplus. The address for this is You can also contact us at this address if you have a question about Datacentreplus’s handling of your information.

If you wish to obtain a copy of particular information you provided to Datacentreplus, or if you become aware that the information is incorrect and you would like us to correct it, contact us at Before Datacentreplus is able to provide you with any information or correct any inaccuracies, we may ask you to verify your identity and to provide other details to help us to respond to your request. We will endeavor to respond within an appropriate timeframe.

Policy Updates

As part of Datacentreplus’s commitment to compliance with data privacy requirements and to reflect changes in Datacentreplus’s operating procedures, Datacentreplus may update the terms of this policy from time to time.