Peter Horan latest engineer to join Datacentreplus

Peter Horan Latest Engineer Datacentreplus

We are very excited to welcome Peter Horan as the latest member to join the Datacentreplus team at our headquarters in Manchester.

Peter will be taking on the role as a Linux Systems Administrator within the business, providing technical support and assistance to our customer base.

Peter has an extensive background in hosting, having worked in the industry for the past five years.

His previous experience includes his roles at other well-known hosting providers which included his responsibilities as a Linux Engineer, where Peter assisted with troubleshooting websites and databases. Peter has also been previously responsible for building customer relationships, building servers as well as assisting with server migration.

Outside of his work life, Peter has a passion for Linux, so much that Peter has virtually all Linux machines at home! Peter also loves to cycle and has recently cycled from London to France successfully!

Peter Horan on joining Datacentreplus says:

“It’s fantastic to be working alongside such a strong technical team here at Datacentreplus and I am really excited to have started my new role. It’s great to see that a company puts so much energy into both its technical team and its customers”.

Mashukul Hoque, CEO at Datacentreplus, commenting on the arrival of Peter says:

“It is a very exciting time for Datacentreplus and the technology community in Manchester. As the company continues to grow, we are delighted to have Peter on board to help us in our commitment to deliver first class customer service and even quicker responses to support for any problems that may arise”.



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