Keeping the digital lights on & beyond

In modern day society, our digital economy relies heavily on data and connectivity being managed efficiently and securely, so if we want to stay connected and remain online, we need data centres! It may surprise you but we heavily rely on data centre services for our day-to-day comforts. Without them, we would live in a world without Netflix, Uber or Deliveroo!

Naturally, the developments of the Covid-19 pandemic have been incredibly challenging for some businesses, and the ability to work remotely and maintain an online presence in some cases has become essential. Remote working has increased the demand for digital communications, remote desktop services and cloud-based platforms.

Businesses around the globe have been using data centre services for years to support their IT functions (web hosting, system integration, data backup, virtualisation and colocation). Modern life as we know it would simply not be the same without data centres. No data and connectivity would mean no tweeting, no sharing of memes with friends and no digital streaming – the horror!

As we head into Lockdown 2.0, like many other data centres we’ve been busy keeping the digital lights on so that: 

  • Businesses of all sizes can continue to trade, do business and operate digitally (document sharing, video conferencing, cloud storage & conducting online meetings).

  • Children can continue to access online learning material and resources (virtual school lessons, online tutorials).

  • Families can still keep in touch with their loved ones (streaming services, Facetime, WhatsApp).

These are just a few ways we have been able to help provide some of the vital services that people need at this time, all of which have been made possible by data centres, their capabilities and what they can deliver to service providers.

Remote data centre services have never been more crucial

Covid-19 continues to change the business landscape with more staff members working from home than ever before and the increased demand for remote desktop services. We have seen an increase in the number of businesses looking to connect to their data from all parts of the country, maintain business collaboration and ensure safe and secure access to their hosted desktop applications with as little disruption as possible.

How Covid-19 is affecting the colocation market

We understand some of the challenges being faced by IT teams and the impact and pressure this has placed on IT systems. Businesses need flexibility and the ability to access first-class infrastructure without compromising on top tier security. There has been a surge in clients looking to colocate their equipment, many of whom we have been able to help through short-term contracts at favourable rates, helping businesses continue to function as we move through these tough times. 

If you do find yourself needing some additional technical assistance, have a query or are simply looking to enable remote working for your staff please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’ll be more than happy to help – 0161 464 6101


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