How do you choose a hosting solution?

How do you choose a hosting solution?

We know that choosing a hosting solution can be tricky, especially if your industry has little or nothing to do with tech. What are dedicated servers? What and where is this cloud people speak of? The truth is you simply must do your research before deciding which hosting company to trust with your all-important data. There’s a lot to wrap your head around but worry not! We’ve compiled a list of things you should think about before picking the data storage solution that’s right for you.


Look for experts in the field with knowledge and a range of solutions that can meet your business objectives. This will give a clearer indication of the types of services that are on offer and which ones could be right for you. 


Not all dedicated servers are the same, and neither are the hosting service providers. Some stand out from the crowd by supporting local charities and events, as well as offering features and services that others may not. Look for a provider that doesn’t just see you as a number, and will let you know if their services match your needs. A good way to determine whether a provider may be right for you is by reading customer reviews.


The level of support that is available to you can make a big difference to your business, especially if an emergency should arise. Now, we don’t mean to brag, but here at Datacentreplus, we pride ourselves on the customer service that we provide. Our engineers are available 24×7, 365 days a week and are only a phone call, chat or email away. It’s no wonder we’ve been nominated for COMBA 21’s Customer Focussed Business of the Year award!

Server Locations

Where your servers are located could have a substantial impact on your site’s performance, depending on where your audience is located. The closer a server is to an end-user, the quicker your pages will load. Therefore, it’s important for you to consider the locations that the provider offers as well as other options like cloud hosting.


A good hosting provider takes security very seriously and will have a number of measures in place. For example, at Datacentreplus, our data centre has manned barrier security, 24×7 security CCTV, alarmed and monitored police response, an overnight security guard and physical and electronic door controls. 

To find out more about our high-security datacentre, you can take a virtual tour on our youtube channel:

We have a committed team of specialists that would be happy to assess your business needs and find the best solution for you so don’t hesitate to give us a call now on 0161 464 6101 and we’ll be more than happy to help


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