Datacentreplus at the Henshaws Awards 2019

Henshaws Awards Charity 2019

It was fantastic to attend and support the annual Henshaws Awards 2019 at The Midland Hotel in Manchester.

Henshaws is a charity that supports people living with sight loss and a range of other disabilities to achieve their ambitions and go beyond expectations.

We were joined by a variety of Greater Manchester businesses at the event, alongside an excellent lineup of performers, speakers and nominees.

The afternoon kicked off with a special performance from Denise Leigh and Stefan Andrusyschyn. Denise is a patron of Henshaws and a blind Soprano Opera Singer who has travelled and performed extensively. Her accompanist Stefan, a talented musician has also played internationally and now works as a freelance musician and musical director.

Henshaws Ambassador and award-winning poet, Dave Steele, was also amongst the performers of the afternoon.

Following the wonderful performances, we were presented with an impeccable selection of sandwiches, cakes, scones and pots of tea which were swiftly snapped-up and enjoyed by all that attended.

The awards up for nomination included; The Visual Impairment Friendly Business Award, The Technology Award, The Eye Health Professional Award, The Volunteer Award, The Inspirational Young Person Award, The Friendship Matters Award and the Gillian Lawrence Award.

Helen Rowe, Relationship Fundraiser at Henshaws says:

“It is always a highlight each year to celebrate the achievements of adults and children with sight loss that we work with who go beyond expectations, not letting their visual impairment prevent them from realising their dreams, often overcoming extremely challenging circumstances”.

Joshua Andrew at Datacentreplus commenting on the event says:

“It was great to support the Henshaws Awards, to recognise and celebrate the achievements of those who have gone beyond expectations. I am really looking forward to working with and supporting the Henshaws charity in the future and look forward to such future events”.

Stephen Hobson, Head of Account Management at Datacentreplus added:

“The work Henshaws are doing is amazing and something we should all be proud of, it was a true honour to have been invited and we look forward to supporting the charity in the future”.



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