Happy New Year & Thank You!

Welcome to 2021 and a very Happy New Year to all of our customers!

It has been a spin around the sun like no other that we remember and although 2020 has been challenging, we ended the year on a really positive note here at Datacentreplus. 

Alongside supporting existing clients, on-boarding new customers, and receiving consistently positive customer feedback, we have also been named as a finalist in the 2021 Northern Digital Awards.

We are thrilled to have expanded our team and have taken on additional staff members (technical, sales and marketing) and will be continuing to hire more staff in all areas of the business in 2021.

We have received a lot of positive customer feedback (through customer reviews and testimonials) and also suggestions for improvements, some of which we are really excited about implementing during the new year (more details to follow later so watch this space….)

Finally, we would like to thank all of our customers for being with us and your continued support. We look forward to providing you with great service throughout the new year.

Wishing all our customers a prosperous 2021!

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