Guest Blog: Primo Dialler

What does Primo Dialler do?

Primo Dialler has been providing industry-leading hosted dialler solutions since 2015. In this time we have developed a fully integrated and simple to use call centre solution that has put us at the forefront of predictive dialling technology. We have a strong client base in the UK, US, South Africa, and Australia.

How long have you been a customer of Datacentreplus?

We have been a customer of Datacentreplus for over 3 years. They have consistently provided us with high-quality service and understand our business needs.

What do you love about us?

Datacentreplus is a fantastic provider who went that extra mile to find out about the way our business works. They then created a tailored solution which not only supports our current customer base but also allows us to plan for future expansion. This helps give us confidence as we know we have a solid base for growing our business. Rare issues have been solved quickly and full communication has been provided along the way.

Why did you choose Datacentreplus over other suppliers?

There are various reasons why we choose Datacentreplus. They provide a quality service backed up with a friendly and knowledgeable customer service team. They understand how important their service is in relation to our organisation so they put emphasis on providing a service with next to no downtime and a high level of security.

What does the future of Primo Dialler look like?

We have achieved fantastic growth during 2019 and we’re eager to build on that success in 2020. Not only have we increased sales, but we’ve also been steadily increasing the network and our support team to make sure we have solid foundations for further growth. As innovators, we’re always keen to listen to feedback and build a better product. We’ve therefore added a host of new features and continue to look for ways to improve our predictive dialler and other software. We’re planning to target different countries and implement a structured partner scheme to increase revenue further.

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