Guest Blog: Making You Content

We are very excited to have caught up with Kelly Gilmour-Grassam, Director at Making You Content, one of Manchester’s leading copywriting agencies.

In this blog, the team at Making You Content, offer their insight into the immense value of the written word.

A slick design, strong cybersecurity and eye-catching imagery should always be top of your to-do list when assembling a new website. But even with all these elements in place, nobody will stick around when the copy doesn’t cut it.

Words play a pivotal role in grabbing a user’s attention on their very first visit. Sentences should navigate people through the site in an accessible, engaging way, nudging them towards an objective (buy a product, pick up the phone, download a brochure etc). 

Reinforce a brand message

The vast majority of markets are saturated these days, making it easy for businesses to become buried below the competition. Separating your company from the herd is a tricky task. But wonderful writing can often prove the masterstroke. 

Great content makes you memorable: it’s as simple as that. Having a strong brand message and distinctive tone of voice will put you at the forefront of people’s minds – meaning they always choose you over a competitor. Customers feel most comfortable with businesses they know.

Carefully crafted copy enables you to build a brand message across the whole website. It carries a consistent theme and encourages visitors to click around your site, rather than away from it. 

Tell your story 

Everyone loves a good story. If you can tell a captivating tale that gets people emotionally invested in your brand, you can turn website visitors into customers. 

The best brands all have a way with words – dedicating entire pages to the story behind their origins and what they stand for as a company. 

Pictures tell a thousand words, but they’re also open to interpretation. With sentences accompanying your images, your message is crystal clear. Your readers know exactly what you offer and what’s in it for them. 

You can articulate an awesome narrative around the brand by investing time in creating quality copy. 

Make your brand stand out

You can have the best-looking, best-performing website in the world – but nobody will see it unless you include the right type of content. 

Your choice of words can directly influence your presence as a business. It determines where you sit in search engine rankings and whether you show up ahead of similar businesses. SEO-optimised copy makes sure you’re found in the first place. 

Basic, boring writing will yield low views and send the few visitors clicking away in a matter of seconds. Dedicate time to writing and you’ll soon start seeing results…

Want to learn more about optimising your website with high-quality written content? Speak to the copywriters at Making You Content on 0161 660 9206 or







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