Guest Blog: Fly High Media

This week we caught up with Matt Pyke, Managing Director at Fly High Media one of Manchester’s leading digital marketing agencies, who shares his tips and guidance on how you can increase the number of enquires on your website.

A website is the shop front to your business, it is live 24/7, you can access it from anywhere in the world and it is free for users to browse (in the case of most websites). 

You can spend time, money and effort on digital marketing to get people to your website but if you consistently drive traffic to a website that isn’t converting then you will be wasting your resources.

Here are some of our top tips that every website needs to follow.

1. Keep important information above the fold

If you don’t already know, being “above the fold” is content that is visible on your screen without having to do any scrolling after you have landed on a web page. It is critical that important information is shown here so that when visitors arrive, they know exactly who you are, what you do and how they can contact you. 

For example, on our website we clearly explain what we do straight away by saying We are a digital marketing agency that helps businesses just like yours generate more money through online marketing.” This is straight to the point and clarifies who we are and what we do. Underneath, we have a large red button that says “Get in touch” on other pages we have our phone number and others we have both. See what works for you both design wise and conversion wise. 

2. Make sure you provide the best user experience

When building or updating your website you MUST make sure that your website is mobile/tablet friendly. Search engines and users will not like this, search engines will penalise you and users will leave your website sooner.

When reviewing your website, make sure that your website is optimised for speed as this is another ranking factor and a factor for how long a user wants to stay on your website.  

3. Write the best copy

For sales pages avoid long blocks of text, instead break up your text into manageable chunks.  Add video and images if possible to help illustrate your points in a different way. Write for your audience and try to avoid any technical jargon that they may not understand.

4. Establish credibility

Social proof is the best proof. To display that you are worthy of working with you should display past work, list of clients, trade membership logos, guarantees and warranties, any publications you have been featured in. All of these things help boost your online presence.  

5. Keep forms to a minimum

We have found that forms with less fields to fill in significantly outperform long forms. We tend to keep the information required to the minimum so that we can capture the data and get leads on the phone with us and we can go from there. Usually when somebody is willing to give you their phone number, their intent to work with you is higher so we’d recommend that you make that a required field along with email and name.

6. Regularly monitor performance

Under the vast umbrella of SEO, reporting and analytics is the phase that you cannot miss out or overlook. There is a lot of data available and to get the most out of your digital marketing campaigns then you must use the data available to you.

If you haven’t already, install Google Analytics to your site. It is super insightful, free and widely used so there are tonnes of resources out there to help you learn more about it. In addition to Google Analytics, we like to use software called HotJar, it is heat mapping software meaning you can see how a user actually interacts with your website, you can see where they hover with their mouse, scroll, click and more. It is really worth using.

If you are looking to get more traffic to your website and increase your conversion rate to help you increase your sales then feel free to drop Fly High Media a line or call us on 0161 818 4645. We also have a YouTube Channel which we share weekly videos about how to help improve your business online so definitely check it out!









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