Guest Blog: Create8

Create 8 Brand Datacentreplus

We are very excited to have caught up with Alex Taylor, Creative Director Create8 who discusses the importance of getting your brand right, how this can enhance and benefit businesses and how the influence of an agency can help you to succeed.

How branding can help you compete with the ‘big boys’

So there you are, sitting lonely on the shelves of your local supermarket, or what’s worse, sitting unnoticed on your company website. So here’s the question, what makes the brands around you stand out, and in the same breath what could you be doing differently in the increasingly jam-packed market place?

The simple matter of fact is that branding your product, or indeed your business in a certain way can give you that x-factor or the so-called ‘Va Va Voom’ of a Thierry Henry endorsed Renault. This is especially noticeable when it comes to a company who is new to a specific sector or marketplace. can the right branding benefit you as a business? 

Well, firstly we would always highlight that competing with the industry big boys is never an easy task. For example, let’s say you are a budding fashion designer, and you have decided upon copying the formula of an already reputable brand. You choose the finest fabric, the best Italian craftsmen and aim to sell only to the premium market. However, what is grossly overlooked in this instance is consumer behaviour when it comes to the brand story. For example, when the customer buys his or her Gucci T-shirt, they also buy into the history of the brand, they buy nighty-nine years of hard work and development. 

So how does your business compete? Well, this is where great branding comes into play. 

How could an agency help you to succeed? 

When working with an agency, branding should come into question each and every step of the way, from the development of a logo or product, through to price point and integration into the market. A proactive agency will always want to put their clients on the front foot and therefore the success of every campaign will always be valued. 

So what could you be doing differently?

Firstly, making your brand stand out against those with a more established story to tell is key. Does the colour scheme of your product catch the eye, or is it easily forgettable? When it comes to product branding a lot of the more universally recognised brands will have go-to colour schemes already, this is a great opportunity for you to use this to your advantage, pick colours which are fashionable, if your product has a specific shelf life then don’t be afraid to be more risky decisions when it comes to being seen.

Know the value of your story!

In branding, it’s important to remember, just because a story isn’t as old doesn’t mean it isn’t as interesting. Sell your story to the world regardless, good branding will always do that! If you’re an environmentally friendly brand, let everyone know, if your product includes an ingredient which none of the competitors has…Tell everyone! 

Increasing your companies perceived value is pivotal in business and this is largely achieved by fantastic branding and being relevant to your potential clientele. However, a well-branded business could also benefit from adding actual value and financial backing. When a company is looking for investors, whether it be for expansion within the market or indeed to launch a new product, branding is absolutely paramount. 

Imagine heading into the Dragons Den with a revolutionary product in a package as boring as the British summer, and a company logo that doesn’t remotely highlight what it is that the company does. We can guarantee you now, mainly as we’ve seen it time and time again, you’ll be on your way or home or preferably towards the nearest reputable design agency before you know it.

If you would like any further information on Create8, their services or work you can contact them directly here.







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