DCP Apprentice Academy

An apprenticeship is a system designed to train a new generation of workers in a trade or profession of their choice, accompanied by some studying (20% of the apprenticeship is the studying). The idea of an apprenticeship is that it will lead to a career within the apprentice’s chosen field, and continue to progress with the company. Similarly, the Kickstart Scheme, which was launched by the government earlier in the year, offers 16-24 who are in receipt of Universal Credit new job roles. It offers young people who have struggled with unemployment a chance to make a start in a position that offers real future job prospects, whilst being paid at least the minimum wage.


Here at Datacentreplus, we are big believers in investing in young talent and currently have a number of young people on both the apprenticeship scheme and Kickstart scheme.  The positions range from digital marketing roles to technical roles.


We see a very bright future for our ‘Apprentice Academy’, we’ve got Harvey, George, Hannah, Omar, Marcus and Connor as part of our team and we’re not being biased when we say they’re the best! 


Harvey, who’s been here only 6 months, has already changed the graphical dynamics of the company, coming up with amazing new content for marketing campaigns.   Hannah, our newest member of the marketing team, helps to create new marketing strategies and campaigns to help increase our social media engagement.  George and Omar are part of our technical support team and are learning about server and network setup, configuration and management.  And last but not least, Marcus and Connor, were already a dab hand at video production and editing and here they are helping our video content blossom, whilst getting a better understanding of how a marketing team functions and learning to manage time and working to deadlines. 


Given the current difficulties in recruiting, particularly in the digital and technical sectors, it made sense for us to create our very own future engineers, which we think is so exciting! 


We asked our Head of Technical Services, Chris Ashcroft, for some comments on this and this is what he had to say:


“Training young people up whilst they’re here with us and creating in-house talent means they will develop good habits and continue their journey with us at Datacentreplus. We expect only the best from our team, and that’s exactly what we get from our current crop of trainees and I am really proud of being able to mentor future engineers so closely”.


We’re looking forward to a bright and successful future not only for our company, but for our amazing apprentices.  Here’s to the DCP Apprentice Academy! 

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