Datacentreplus Supports The Mancunian Way

Datacentreplus are proud to have attended the Mancunian Way Charity Ball, which took place at the Hilton Hotel in Deansgate. 

Head of Account Management, Stephen Hobson and Office Manager Claire MacIntyre were both in attendance, representing the Datacentreplus brand with partners and friends.

Mancunian Way, who are community engagement specialists, specialise in street based engagement. They target individuals who don’t necessarily want to be engaged but are the most in need, whether this be disenfranchised young people in a park on a Friday evening, or vulnerable homeless individuals sat on street corners in the city centre.

Account Manager, Stephen Hobson commenting on the Mancunian Way said:

“The work Nick and the Mancunian way do is incredible, a charity who can get somebody off the street in an hour into accommodation is remarkable. The work they take in protecting those in need is inspiring for all”

Over the past few months Datacentreplus has got to know Nick and the team and have assisted Nick in technical work. The team were happy to be in attendance and celebrate the hard work and effort by everyone at the Mancunian Way.

Nick Buckley, Chief Executive of the Mancunian Way said:

“The Charity Ball was our biggest yet and we raised over £12K on the evening, which is just amazing. It is important to us that we engage with as many people and businesses as possible, all the support we receive is much appreciated. Datacentreplus have recently helped us with our IT needs which is fantastic, it means we can spend more time on the streets helping the most vulnerable in society to also be successful.”

Datacentreplus would like to thank the Mancunian Way for organising a fantastic Charity Ball and we look forward to future events.

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