Datacentreplus Participates in Bank of England Discussion

Datacentreplus were delighted to have attended a very interesting round table discussion with the Bank of England Monetary Committee members, Ian McCafferty and John Young, which took place at the Vermilion Restaurant in Manchester. The event was organised by Asian Business Leaders and was attended by a diverse range of businesses, including catering, digital and technology businesses, all based in and around the Manchester area.

The discussion covered a variety of topics.  Most predictably there was a very lively debate around Brexit and its implications for SME businesses.  Other subjects covered included the Bank’s thinking on future interest rate rises, the effects of automation in the next decade, the UK skills gaps, STEM education and the North’s contribution to the UK economy.

The general feeling was that this was a really useful discussion for all who attended and we would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizers for inviting us and the Bank of England for taking the time to engage with our business community.

Managing Director, Mashukul Hoque said:
“For us, this was a really good opportunity to participate directly with the Bank of England and share thoughts and concerns on issues that affect all businesses. It was genuinely refreshing to see such an influential organisation engage with local businesses and I look forward to future such events”.   

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