Category: Remote Working

An Introduction to Cloud Hosting

The Cloud can be a complex topic, certainly when it comes to hosting. That is why we have put together an introduction to Cloud Hosting to help you work out whether Cloud Hosting is right for you. What is Cloud Hosting Cloud hosting is when a site or application utilises “the cloud” which is hosted

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Is It Safe To Work From Public Wifi?

First of all, we always recommend working from a secure wireless network with a strong router password. Without this, you’re leaving your data open to malicious attacks that could result in your personal or financial information being stolen or used. This is the danger of using public wifi as you have no control over the

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Mental Health Week – Raising Awareness

For Mental Health Week this year, we’re raising awareness of the influence of loneliness on our mental health and the practical steps we can take to address it. Some people are at higher risk of feeling lonelier than others. But there are things we can all do to cope with loneliness and prevent some of

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Is your business post-covid ready?

With things beginning to revert to normal it is important to ensure your business is ready for returning to a more normal way of working and we thought it would be a good idea to list some of the areas you may want to consider. Of course, these do not apply to some types of

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How to boost creativity in your workplace

Everyone knows that creativity is an indispensable asset in any business if you want to stand out from the crowd. Many businesses are now having to adapt to changes as a result of the pandemic and we thought it would be useful to provide some tips on how you can help boost creativity in your

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Is The Future of Office Spaces Virtual?

With the world being told to work from home and embrace the remote work lifestyle, will businesses continue to adopt this virtual mindset or revert to their physical roots? When the work from home order was first introduced many companies were unprepared, but after some organisation and implementing a proper remote working system, some companies

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Guest Blog: Digital Media Team

In this blog, Manchester agency Digital Media Team reflect on how they pivoted their business to an entirely remote set up, whilst doubling their headcount since the pandemic began.  It’s been a turbulent 12 months for businesses across all industries, but whilst the pandemic has had a negative impact on retail and hospitality, those working

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The future of work in 2021 and beyond

In 2020 the world as we know it changed in ways that most of us could not have imagined. Although most of us long to go back to the good old days of meeting friends over brunches and after-work drinks with friends, there have been some positive side effects to the gloom that has been

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Working From Home Survival Guide

As we head into a further period of lockdown many of us have adopted policies for staff working from home and some of us are still looking for best practices.  Below are Stephen Hobson’s our Head of Customer Engagement top tips for staff members and teams for working from home: Environment My first tip is

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