Category: Hosting

What is Colocation?

Colocation is the practice of housing a company’s own server(s) within a third-party data centre. Why might a company want to do this? This allows a company to use their own hardware and software to run the server and is a useful option if the company already owns the hardware or they have applications that

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Power: An integral part of our data centre

As obvious as it sounds, power is a critical part of a data centre. Basically, data centres rely on power for just about everything they do. No power, no data! It really is like anything else that requires electricity. To ensure that everything runs smoothly at all times in a data centre, the System Administrators

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Datacentreplus: Our Story So Far

Those who know him will tell you that Mashukul Hoque is a person of good moral character and strong family values. A Manchester-based entrepreneur with a strong track record in the digital sector, he decided to set up a new type of data centre, after noticing that many of the established providers offer an impersonal

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Datacentreplus launch 24×7 Service Status Page

We are very excited to launch our brand new 24×7 service status page. Our newly created status page is a communication tool that will enable us to better facilitate customer support features through transparent communication of current working status and various services.  The designated service status page will reliably help communicate the applications of core

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How your eCommerce website can prepare for Black Friday

With the festive season not too far around the corner, and with consumers starting to think more about online shopping, it’s important to think about whether your eCommerce business is prepared for what could be a very hectic Black Friday if the right decisions beforehand haven’t been made!  Over recent months, the current pandemic has

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Datacentreplus named as finalist in The Northern Asian Powerlist 2020

We’re thrilled to announce that Datacentreplus CEO, Mashukul Hoque, has been nominated as a finalist in the inaugural Northern Asian Powerlist 2020, in the Digital and Technology category. The Northern Asian Powerlist 2020 celebrates the contribution of Asian influence and impact across the North of England and showcases the prominent businesses, professionals, influencers, women, media,

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Stephen Hobson Appointed as Director of Business at Datacentreplus

Datacentreplus is pleased to announce that Stephen Hobson has been appointed as Director of Business at Datacentreplus. Since joining the company back in 2017, Stephen has been instrumental in driving the business forward, enhancing the company’s brand, improving customer experience and bringing onboard some very well-known brands, many of them iconic in Manchester. Stephen has

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Firewalls: protecting your dedicated server

You’ve probably heard about firewalls before (a form of hardware/software designed to prevent unauthorised access to or from a private network), and an essential part of your businesses security system. But do you actually know what it does and why you need one?  Your websites could be under constant bombardment from different types of attacks

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What is IPv4 and will it run out?

Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are a crucial resource for the functioning of the Internet.  Almost all the IP addresses in use today are IPv4, the fourth version of the Internet Protocol that was adapted and is now widely used in data communication over different kinds of networks. Yet, experts predict that within the next few

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Is colocation right for my business?

One of the services that many data centres and hosting companies provide is known as ‘colocation’ and we thought it would be useful to outline what it is and how it can benefit your business.  What is Colocation? Colocation is a hosting option utilised for businesses of all sizes for a variety of reasons. Essentially,

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