Category: Dedicated Servers

Virtual vs Physical Servers: Pros & Cons

Businesses need secure, reliable, and high-performance processing and storage solutions for their applications and data. While comparing different hosting services, you are likely to see a variety of options to choose from. Deciding between physical servers and virtualisation often isn’t a simple choice, due to complex business requirements and the pros and cons of each

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Uptime is everything

We live in an interconnected world powered by information technologies, where site uptime should be a non-negotiable factor for businesses. Online stores, ecommerce websites and personal blogs (to name a few) rely heavily on having a website that runs smoothly and is accessible to carry out its daily functions and business purpose. So what exactly

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Disaster recovery: why do you need it?

Disasters come in various shapes and sizes, unplanned, and have the potential to strike at any time.  If 2020 has taught us anything, the world is unpredictable. There are a number of scenarios that can come with little to no warning and may hit your business hard (cyber-attacks, hardware failure, floods and fires) to name

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Stephen Hobson Appointed as Director of Business at Datacentreplus

Datacentreplus is pleased to announce that Stephen Hobson has been appointed as Director of Business at Datacentreplus. Since joining the company back in 2017, Stephen has been instrumental in driving the business forward, enhancing the company’s brand, improving customer experience and bringing onboard some very well-known brands, many of them iconic in Manchester. Stephen has

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Cloud vs Dedicated Server – What’s the best option for my business?

While comparing different service providers you’ll have probably heard of two of the more common types of services from data centres:  cloud hosting and dedicated servers. While any of these would be able to get you started it’s important to choose the service that best suits your business needs. Both have their advantages and disadvantages

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Firewalls: protecting your dedicated server

You’ve probably heard about firewalls before (a form of hardware/software designed to prevent unauthorised access to or from a private network), and an essential part of your businesses security system. But do you actually know what it does and why you need one?  Your websites could be under constant bombardment from different types of attacks

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How does a dedicated server hosting platform benefit your business?

Have you ever wondered exactly what we mean by the term dedicated server hosting? With a number of hosting packages, options and support features available from a variety of data centres and hosting providers, questions about dedicated server hosting is something that our customers ask us about more than any other hosting solution we provide. 

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5 server security tips & best practices

A server is a powerful computer, providing one or more services to users on a particular network. It’s important to ensure protection of the data, content and assets stored on a web server and other business data which may be considered confidential. This is also known as server security (an area which our customers often

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Is colocation right for my business?

One of the services that many data centres and hosting companies provide is known as ‘colocation’ and we thought it would be useful to outline what it is and how it can benefit your business.  What is Colocation? Colocation is a hosting option utilised for businesses of all sizes for a variety of reasons. Essentially,

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Top 5 reasons why you should consider a managed hosting solution

Managed hosting keeps the day-to-day management of servers, system hardware, and system software in the hands of your hosting provider. This comes with a number of benefits, and often allows you to focus on core business objectives and key competencies (and is often something our customers ask us about). So, to help you to boost

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