Category: Datacentreplus

Mental Health Week – Raising Awareness

For Mental Health Week this year, we’re raising awareness of the influence of loneliness on our mental health and the practical steps we can take to address it. Some people are at higher risk of feeling lonelier than others. But there are things we can all do to cope with loneliness and prevent some of

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Kickstart Scheme: Sophie Joining Datacentreplus!

Here at Datacentreplus we recognise just how important the youth of today are and how offering opportunities for them to grow within their career is vital to their future. That is why we have been involved in the Kickstart Scheme a number of times.  The Kickstart Scheme, which was launched by the government, offers 16-24

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Gavin Upsall joins Datacentreplus as Senior Account Manager!

We are very excited to announce that Gavin Upsall has just joined our growing Client Communications team as Senior Account Manager. Gavin is a very well-known and respected figure within the hosting business sector and has more than 12 years of experience. Notably, Gavin has worked for a number of hosting providers, including Melbourne Hosting

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What You Should Know About Dedicated Servers

Datacentreplus prides itself on excellent server hosting options, offering a range that includes cloud solutions, Colocation and Dedicated servers, to serve every business need.  With all the talk of flexibility in cloud services, sometimes there is the worry that being too flexible can cause a large spike in costs. This article looks at the advantages

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International Women’s Day!

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. IWD has been observed for over 100 years with a focus on unity, equality and diversity and primarily celebrates the movement for women’s rights. Our company is proud to be celebrating women where the great Suffragettes

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Happy SysAdmin Day!

Do you ever wonder who keeps your network secure? Your computer up and running? That would be the system administrators. Day or night, rain or shine, these amazing men and women work tirelessly to prevent IT disasters from happening whatever the conditions, so it’s only natural that we have a full 24 hours dedicated especially

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What is Big Data?

The phrase ‘big data’ is a commonly used term used to describe data that is challenging to process, with traditional methods of handling this data being shown to be near impossible due to the volume of data. ‘Big data’ can be classified into six areas, also known as the 6 Vs.  Volume The day-to-day running

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Is your business post-covid ready?

With things beginning to revert to normal it is important to ensure your business is ready for returning to a more normal way of working and we thought it would be a good idea to list some of the areas you may want to consider. Of course, these do not apply to some types of

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Top Tips To Avoid Phishing Attacks

We’ve all heard horror stories about the types of phishing attacks that are out there and it seems that cybercriminals who use phishing attacks to try to part us from our personal details and our money are getting smarter by the hour. Phishing is a type of social engineering attack in which criminals attempt to

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Barnabus Manchester: Unsung heroes provide vital support

Today we are celebrating the support we receive from an unsung hero of our work. Behind the scenes Datacentreplus have been hosting our client database pro bono as part of their commitment to give back to the community in Manchester. This might not sound very important but it is critical to be able to record

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