Category: Data Privacy

Is It Safe To Work From Public Wifi?

First of all, we always recommend working from a secure wireless network with a strong router password. Without this, you’re leaving your data open to malicious attacks that could result in your personal or financial information being stolen or used. This is the danger of using public wifi as you have no control over the

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Top Tips To Avoid Phishing Attacks

We’ve all heard horror stories about the types of phishing attacks that are out there and it seems that cybercriminals who use phishing attacks to try to part us from our personal details and our money are getting smarter by the hour. Phishing is a type of social engineering attack in which criminals attempt to

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How to combat security challenges for remote workforces

Working remotely due to coronavirus?  We reveal some tips on how to stay safe online while working from home during the Covid-19 outbreak. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the daily habits of millions of people, and working routines for many are no exception.  The last few weeks has seen an increase in the number of

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How to enhance your data security

We understand how important data protection and data security is to your business (and is the area that we are most often asked to advise on), which is why we have put together some key ways in which you can enhance your data security and secure your systems.  What is Data Security? Data security refers

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Ransomware: Prevention is the best from of Defense!

We’ve written about ransomware before but we get asked more questions about this than almost any other security question so we thought it would be a good idea to reiterate some of our previous advice. Ransomware is a form of cyber-criminal activity that is increasingly being used by hackers to extort money from individuals and

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