Category: Data Centre

What is ‘managed hosting’ and is it right for your business?

‘Managed’ hosting keeps the day-to-day management of servers, system hardware, and system software in the hands of your hosting provider. As you may already be aware, a hosting provider (such as ourselves) provide space on physical or remote servers owned or leased for use by clients, as well as providing internet connectivity within a secure

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The future of work in 2021 and beyond

In 2020 the world as we know it changed in ways that most of us could not have imagined. Although most of us long to go back to the good old days of meeting friends over brunches and after-work drinks with friends, there have been some positive side effects to the gloom that has been

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What makes a good hosting provider?

When we talk about hosting, we mean the foundation of the site, where your data is stored and accessed. It’s often overlooked but choosing a hosting provider can be crucial to the smooth and efficient running of your website and getting it wrong may lead to a number of issues. But with so many options

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The impact of Brexit on .EU domains for businesses

‘Brexit’ which refers to the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union means big changes for UK businesses. Since the end of the transition period at the end of December last year, there has been a lot of talk amongst what this means for business owners, their digital operations and online presence.    As a result of

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National Technology Day 2021

Today marks National Technology Day in the UK and to celebrate, we are taking a look at how technology has shaped our past, present and future. From the invention of the wheel to the iPhone glued to your hand, our technological advancements have changed the world in spectacular ways including how we communicate, live, work

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How do you choose a hosting solution?

How do you choose a hosting solution? We know that choosing a hosting solution can be tricky, especially if your industry has little or nothing to do with tech. What are dedicated servers? What and where is this cloud people speak of? The truth is you simply must do your research before deciding which hosting

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Datacentreplus recognised in City of Manchester Business Awards 2021

We are delighted to announce that we have been nominated in the City of Manchester Business Awards 2021 (COMBA21) in the ‘Customer Focussed Business of the Year’ category. Now in its tenth year, the City of Manchester Business Awards celebrates businesses and individuals that have achieved great success and contributed to the city over the

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Customer Success Story: Victory Design

Victory Designs’ ongoing business philosophy is simple but effective – to listen to their customers and deliver top quality branded products on budget and on time, on a national scale. Justin Hines, Sales Director at Victory Design, recently sat down with the team at Datacentreplus to discuss the critical importance of their website and online

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Virtual vs Physical Servers: Pros & Cons

Businesses need secure, reliable, and high-performance processing and storage solutions for their applications and data. While comparing different hosting services, you are likely to see a variety of options to choose from. Deciding between physical servers and virtualisation often isn’t a simple choice, due to complex business requirements and the pros and cons of each

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Uptime is everything

We live in an interconnected world powered by information technologies, where site uptime should be a non-negotiable factor for businesses. Online stores, ecommerce websites and personal blogs (to name a few) rely heavily on having a website that runs smoothly and is accessible to carry out its daily functions and business purpose. So what exactly

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