Category: Data Backup

Essential Cybersecurity Tips Every Workplace Should Know About

With the workplace landscape seemingly becoming more and more digitised the need for cybersecurity measures is bigger now more than ever.  There are a number of simple steps you can take that can improve the security of your server and applications which in turn should help to reduce the likelihood of a successful cyber attack.

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Why you should use a Load Balancer

We often get asked about load balancers so hopefully, this article will help answer some of these questions. Implementing a load balancer can maximize your server’s performance whilst minimizing the response time and makes scalability much easier, but what is load balancing? What is load balancing? Load balancing is when traffic is distributed across multiple

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The advantages of having your hosting servers local

When choosing your hosting provider there are a few things to consider, however, one that is often overlooked is the location. Having your hosting provider based locally to you is a lot more beneficial than you might think, here are a few reasons why. Size While it may seem logical to go for the provider

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Is The Future of Office Spaces Virtual?

With the world being told to work from home and embrace the remote work lifestyle, will businesses continue to adopt this virtual mindset or revert to their physical roots? When the work from home order was first introduced many companies were unprepared, but after some organisation and implementing a proper remote working system, some companies

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Have you backed up your data?

Most of us know how frustrating it can be when we lose important files, both personal and work-related but have you got the best backup for your business data? In an increasingly  digital world, businesses would take a huge hit if something happened to their data and with the ever-increasing threat of cybercrime and the

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Disaster recovery: why do you need it?

Disasters come in various shapes and sizes, unplanned, and have the potential to strike at any time.  If 2020 has taught us anything, the world is unpredictable. There are a number of scenarios that can come with little to no warning and may hit your business hard (cyber-attacks, hardware failure, floods and fires) to name

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