Category: Customer Service

Technical Support: How to contact us over Christmas

Technical Support: How to contact us over Christmas We understand how busy the Christmas season can be and that for most it’s one of the busiest times of the year. That being said, we want to ensure you are equipped with the correct information which will enable you to speak with the right person to

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Greater Manchester Business Awards 2019 Shortlisted Excellence

Datacentreplus Recognised in the Greater Manchester Business Awards

We are thrilled to announce that we have been named as a finalist for the Greater Manchester Business Awards 2019 in the Customer Service Excellence category. The Greater Manchester Business Awards celebrates the professionalism and excellence of businesses and organisations in Greater Manchester. Rachel Waters, Communications Manager at Datacentreplus, commenting on the shortlisting announcement says:

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Datacentreplus celebrates national customer service week

This week we are pleased to be celebrating National Customer Service Week! What is National Customer Service Week? National Customer Service Week, often referred to as NCSW takes place during the first full week of October and has been celebrated since its introduction in 1992. The week is celebrated as an opportunity to raise awareness

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