Category: Cloud

An Introduction to Cloud Hosting

The Cloud can be a complex topic, certainly when it comes to hosting. That is why we have put together an introduction to Cloud Hosting to help you work out whether Cloud Hosting is right for you. What is Cloud Hosting Cloud hosting is when a site or application utilises “the cloud” which is hosted

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Datacentreplus visits DTX Manchester

Last week several of our staff attended the DTX Manchester (previously IP EXPO) at the Iconic Manchester Central. The event took place over 2 days showcasing some of the latest trends including Cyber Security, Connectivity, Server Management, Cloud Technology and Backup Technology. Event speakers included Gary Neville, Manisha Mistry (Rolls Royce COO) and Manchester mayor Andy

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Hyperscale computing – What Is It?

Every so often we write about some of the current trends or advanced technologies in our sector, which may not be directly related to your needs, but nevertheless is an interesting topic.   In this article, we will be talking about ‘Hyperscale Computing’. Put simply, Hyperscale Computing is when a computing architecture is implemented in your

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How to handle your site’s unpredictable traffic spikes

When it comes to your site’s unpredictable traffic spikes the old saying ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’ comes to mind. Did you know that the majority of users will abandon a website in 8 seconds if it fails to load a page? It’s every web owner’s worst nightmare – especially if you own an

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What is cloud hosting & how does it work?

It’s difficult to avoid the term cloud hosting but you may not be entirely familiar with precisely what it is. With the recent shift to cloud-based working and an increase in businesses looking for cloud-based services, cloud hosting has become a popular and attractive hosting solution for many businesses.  Experts say 60% of workloads were

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2021 Tech Trend Predictions

It’s no secret that technology is advancing more rapidly every year. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen technology accelerate like never before. Since our world has changed so drastically this year, businesses have had to alter their approach in order to stay operating during lockdown periods where possible. People who may have

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How to stay safe on Computer Security Day 2020

The 1980s were an exciting time – alongside extreme fashion and big hair, it was also when the beloved internet was born, which we now know, as a society, simply cannot do without. Around the time that computers were becoming commonplace, so too were hackers and viruses. As our systems became more sophisticated, essential files

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How secure is your data when stored in the cloud?

Cloud data storage services are becoming more popular than ever and it’s not hard to see why. As the technical challenges of storing vast amounts of data have been significantly reduced, cloud hosting services have also become incredibly user friendly. As the world becomes more dependent on the internet than ever before, and with server

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Uptime is everything

We live in an interconnected world powered by information technologies, where site uptime should be a non-negotiable factor for businesses. Online stores, ecommerce websites and personal blogs (to name a few) rely heavily on having a website that runs smoothly and is accessible to carry out its daily functions and business purpose. So what exactly

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Cloud vs Dedicated Server – What’s the best option for my business?

While comparing different service providers you’ll have probably heard of two of the more common types of services from data centres:  cloud hosting and dedicated servers. While any of these would be able to get you started it’s important to choose the service that best suits your business needs. Both have their advantages and disadvantages

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