Category: blog

Lets Work Together – The importance of collaboration

Netflix is moving to the cloud, they have announced they will be moving their last on-premises data centre into Amazon Web Services (AWS). Netflix already run their most of their internal applications and customer facing business off AWS, but they are now looking to move their video archive and backup away from its own infrastructure.

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What would you do to not give up the internet?

AT&T have conducted a series of polls that give some insight to Americans and whether they could give up the internet. The results are quite surprising. Let’s play a bit of would you rather? A statistic that may dishearten a lot of us is that 12.8% of your friends would rather attend your funeral than

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Mirai Botnet the thorn to the IoT rose bush

Every week we have a news story reminding us of the consequences of not implementing good security policies or at least not enforcing them. On Friday sites like Spotify, Netflix, GitHub, Twitter, Reddit, AirBnB were part of a large list of website that was hit by the attack leaving them inaccessible. A Chinese firm has

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