Category: blog

How Dedicated Servers differ from Shared Hosting

  As your business grows, you will inevitably come to a point where you’ll be re-evaluating the technologies that drives your business. It is now more important than ever that your website is reliable and performs when needed, especially if your business relies on its website. Performance, reliability and cost soon becomes prime considerations when

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Work-life balance: Can the cloud help?

There has been a lot of discussion about our work-life balance recently. From a now-former boss of an advertising agency making a statement about gender diversity that caused a heated debate, to the new paternity leave policy. We aren’t going to dive into the ethics of these debates, we just want to pick on some

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Privacy Shield is available for sign ups

  We thought it would be worthwhile to bring to the attention of our customer some changes regarding data protection, in case you may be affected by it. You should be aware that The Privacy Shield is now in effect. The shield is a new framework for the transfer of data between the US and

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MediaCityUK set for £1 Billion development

Salford Council has made some ambitious plans to double the size of MediaCityUK over the next decade. The plan is set over 2 phases with the introduction of 10 new buildings. There will be an additional 540,000sq ft of offices, 1,800 apartments, retail and leisure, along with a pedestrian promenade and other cutting-edge public spaces.

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An Accessible World.

Our two main focuses for business is providing great customer service and at prices that attract customers that would not normally be able to use data centres. This is why we found this news from the Guardian worth sharing. PwC has recently released a report stating if we brought internet access to 4.1 billion people

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New cyber-security Rules for Europe

The European Council has adopted new rules for cyber-security. It aims to make networks and information services across the EU more secure and safer. The NIS (Network and Information Security) demands providers to put in measures that will minimise the risk of cyber attacks. They are also required to report any major security incidents. The

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A channel ready for change

We recently exhibited at the Convergence Summit North in Harrogate. We were represented by Gareth Riley and Emily Cole.  Gareth has worked in the Channel for a long at time and this was the year he noticed the most change. We thought it would be useful to share some of his thoughts: “While not my

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NASA almost lost a £154 Million drone to hackers

How easy do think it would be to fly a NASA Hawk Drone? Well, an activist group called AnnonSec had their brief time in the sky. The hackers claimed to have altered the flight path of a Global Hawk Drone (worth around £154m) with the aim of crashing it. What’s is even more worrying was

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Why northern data centres appreciate the cold.

From 100 GB a day in 1992 to 28,000 GB per second in 2013. The internet has rapidly grown and managed to find a way into almost every aspect of our lives. However, all this information needs somewhere to live and grow. The data centre industry has opted to take the load for this inconceivable

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Safe harbour is in troubled waters

Back at the start of the noughties in 2000 the EU and the US made a deal called the Safe Harbour. The deal allows US firms to take and process data from Europe without breaking EU rules. The ruling essentially meant that personal data from the EU couldn’t be transferred or processed if it didn’t

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