Category: blog

How To Avoid Being A Victim of Cyber-Crime

Welcome to 2018 and we hope none of our readers became a victim of cybercrime.  Unfortunately, 2017 was a bad year for cybercrime and you can read more about that here – Unfortunately, it seems that the frequency of cyber attacks is only like to rise this year. As a follow up, we have

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Why It Makes Sense To Support Our Community

Datacentreplus has been serving customers since its foundation in 2015, offering colocation, dedicated servers and other cloud services. It has a strong customer base and continues to grow rapidly whilst developing an enviable reputation for customer service.  We are a strong believer in ethical business and play an active role in our local and surrounding

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Stephen Hobson Explains His Role In Forever Manchester

Stephen Hobson, Account Manager for Datacentreplus shares his story on why he decided to become an Ambassador for Forever Manchester. Stephen not only shares Forever Manchester’s passion, but their commitment to their work, building their profile and increasing their reach. Stephen is also very proud of Manchester itself, its people and its community spirit, emphasising

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Why Manchester?

  Mashukul Hoque, founder of Datacentreplus answers: Why Manchester? Building a data centre is a complex endeavour and there are strong barriers to entry for new players (not least the considerable up-front capital investment) which means it is significant when a new entrant comes along. So, why is Manchester such a good location? While there

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Salford Business Awards Finalist Dinner 2017

  The Salford Business Awards is fast approaching. We are delighted to be shortlisted as one of the finalists for the Rising Star Award – an award recognising the exceptional growth of new businesses in the region.   We have come a long way since we started back in 2015 and since our launch, we

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Salford Business Awards Finalist 2017

  We are proud to announce that we are a finalist in the Rising Stars category of the Salford Business Awards 2017. The Salford Business Awards, which is now in its tenth year, looks to recognise and celebrates the success of businesses operating in Salford, UK.  It is one of the region’s best-known awards and

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Whatsapp was down last night…

So the popular messaging service, Whatsapp had a worldwide outage last night and reports are coming in that the service is still not completely in full health.   Naturally, everyone under the sun went into an immediate panic mode and took to online social media to voice their concerns for what many (jokingly) referred to

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Google Earth has relaunched… now in HD!

Remember Google Earth? Well, it’s back and it’s prettier than ever.   In all fairness it never really left, but today Google has launched a revamped, browser friendly version of Google Earth that aims to help people ‘gain a new perspective’ of our world in all it’s HD glory. Naturally, there is also a mobile counterpart

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You need a data back up plan

Data is important, right? We talk about securing your data, making sure your data is protected and away from prying eyes. But what about data backup? It’s hard to ignore the impact of technology on businesses in the 21st century. We’re now more reliant than ever on depending on these ‘mission critical’ services and infrastructure.

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What is a Dedicated Server?

A dedicated server is essentially a single piece of equipment (computer) that is dedicated to serve the purposes of running various data related tasks over a network. How does dedicated servers differ? With dedicated servers, you would be the sole user of the equipment and have complete control over its use. In comparison to shared

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