Category: Advisory

Physical VS Virtual: Can virtual be as good as the real thing?

Virtualization and cloud hosting have become trendy ways to form business networks. As cloud and virtual servers are gaining popularity some businesses may overlook the benefits of physical systems. We don’t believe important decisions should be overlooked, and choosing a method for hosting your business and the valuable data it holds, is an important decision.

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What hosting package should you choose?

Choosing a hosting package can be a hard choice even if you know the differences. This infographic outlines the differences between the hosting options available in an easy to understand way.   So which hosting package should you choose? Public clouds provide flexible and cheap hosting but it does so with the risk of security

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Cloud Computing VS Dedicated Servers

Cloud computing has become a household term and in the hosting industry it is taking a lot of the limelight. With scalability, redundancy, on-demand services and attractive prices,  can dedicated servers compete with a Cloud/VPS offering? When looking at cloud computing VS dedicated servers,  it’s not easy to say which would win without looking at your businesses needs now

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Top tips for migrating from VPS to a dedicated server

1 Make Backups! This is the first and most important step. Make a backup of the VPS before the migration. If any errors occur during the migration, restoring from a backup could be your easiest fix by far. Once you have fully completed the migration and everything is working fine, make a brand new back

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The Panama Papers Protection

We assume by now you have heard about The Panama Papers being published on Sunday 3rd April.   Here’s a brief summary: The Panama Papers is the biggest data leak in history, amassing to 2.6 Terabytes, 11.5 million documents, including email correspondence and legal contracts. It is bigger than Wikileaks Cablegate, Offshore Leaks, Lux Leaks,

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Ransomware – The New Curse of the Internet?

We recently had a customer contacting us for assistance in restoring all their files from cloud storage. Unfortunately, they were the latest victims of a ransomware attack which scrambled and locked all their files. Luckily for this customer they were able to carry on with business after restoring their files.  In their case, they had

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Why it pays to be cloudy in the North

The North West data centre scene is swelling year-on-year. It is now the biggest outside of the South East and with the development of the Northern Powerhouse sitting on the horizon, that growth is set to continue. For a number of years, the services provided via third party data centres have traditionally focused on larger

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How to make the most of a tight IT budget

A recent article showed that US businesses may have to reassess their IT budget as they take a 20% hit due to a strong US dollar. We know this won’t affect everyone, especially in the UK, but who doesn’t want to free up more capital to make their budget go further. In this article, we

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4 Musts for any data security strategy

1. Data theft can happen to anyone, regardless of your security level. You could put a 20-foot wall around your Office, but someone has a 21-foot ladder. Recently there were the scandals in the US surrounding Sony, Home Depot and Target, which just goes to show security breaches can happen to anyone. As you can

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Myths could be clouding your judgement about implementing cloud services

Cloud computing is a hot subject at the moment, with more and more business contemplating the move. However, talk grows into discussions and information is being increasingly passed around. It is no surprise that misconceptions and myths start to sprout. Making decisions based on facts is imperative if you want to make the correct decision

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