Category: Advisory

How to mitigate risk when migrating colocation providers

Changing colocation providers isn’t something you would want to do regularly. There is a lot of time, effort and risk of downtime associated with colocating. Hopefully migrating colocation providers is something you will only have to do once or twice.  If you talk to people about migrations, ‘tedious’, ‘painful’ and ‘never again’ might be their

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Benefits of Colocation

As we are becoming more reliant on technology, businesses are too. When technology plays a central role to how a company operates and offers their product, the performance and reliability of the equipment is of critical importance. It’s common that we hear from companies such as accountancies, logistics, procurement companies and startups do in fact

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Does hosting affect SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Is the art of doing certain activities that help improve how well your website appears on search engines such as Google. Most people undertake SEO activities as an attempt to get their website to the top of the front page. Whilst this is the general jist of what SEO is about,

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Still deciding if you should go for the clouds?

Many companies have spent 2016 deciding whether or not to utilise the benefits of the cloud. No doubt, you may have started 2017 with the same question lingering. Leave the decision til after the holidays they said… However, whilst the cloud seems like all the craze at the moment, it doesn’t mean that you should

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cPanel or Plesk – Which one should I use?

What’s the difference between cPanel or Plesk I hear you say? If you’ve been looking around for some Dedicated Servers or a new hosting solution, you may have been presented with the option of choosing a control panel to manage your web hosting. Most commonly, you’ll see an option for cPanel or Plesk. cPanel and

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What is Colocation?

Colocation is a service where you can rent a physical space in a datacentre to hold server equipment that you own. The data centre would take care of all the essentials needed to run a server. Power, cooling, connectivity, and of course the data hall your server sits in are provided. A good data centre

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Secure your data, Secure your server

We’ve been hearing a lot about big enterprise companies being hacked these days, but did you know that SMBs are increasingly becoming a more attractive victim? As SMBs tend to hold equally attractive customer data on their servers, they are most likely to have weaker levels of security than the big enterprise companies. As a

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Is your website ready for Black Friday?

Traditionally associated with instore promotions at large supermarket chains in America, Black Friday is fast approaching in the UK and it’s pretty hard to ignore. Black Friday lands on the 25th November this year, and more people than ever are attempting to beat the crowds in store by shopping online. The UK experiences on average

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The Cloud isn’t the problem, it’s you

Datacentreplus founder and Managing Director, Mashukul Hoque, talks about security and the Cloud: I have seen countless articles and surveys where security is cited as the biggest concern for Cloud adoption. When setting up the data centre I knew security would be an area I must prioritise for customers to feel safe when using my

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Compromised from the inside

  This isn’t a paranoia piece, this is ensuring your eyes are open to flaws in your security you may have never looked at. I would say the chance of these compromises are slim but there is evidence to suggest otherwise. Have a look at our compromised from the inside infographic.  

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