Category: Advisory

The Ransomware Threat – Panicking Doesn’t Help

Last Friday we saw what seemed an attack on the NHS. However, as events unfolded, this was far from being a targeted effort on NHS. The attack was at a global scale, but with no particular target in mind. It infected individual users with a particular ransomware dubbed The WannaCry virus. What it did was

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5 things you can do to sell more on your ecommerce site.

With the introduction of our PCI compliant servers we thought it was only fitting we should discuss the essentials of running an eCommerce site.   Pay attention to your UX or your sales will suffer The main goal of eCommerce site is to make sales and turn a profit. User experience (UX) plays a big

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Microsoft Windows Vista is officially dead.

Not that it had much love in the first place, nor that you’ll find many people still using Windows Vista, but as Microsoft released the Windows 10 creators update on Tuesday, they have also officially ended support for Windows Vista. The operating system was first released back in 2007. And for the past 10 years,

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Different RAID configurations and their benefits.

In a previous article, we explained the basics of what is RAID? and what the benefits are of using RAID configurations for your drives. We thought we’ll continue the theme and talk about the different RAID configurations out there. Not all RAID is equal. There are generally 6 different RAID configurations. 0,1,5,6 & 10. Each

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What is RAID?

RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks It is typically associated with backup, but it is important to mention that it is not a backup solution in itself. People choose to configure their hard drives in RAID as it provides for better reliability and increases performance. RAID is where you have two or more

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The 5 basic features of data backup

Backup, backup, backup… Being told to backup does get a little tiring after a while, but the advice is about as solid as ‘don’t eat yellow snow’. Seriously, though, what do you have in place to protect and recover irreplaceable files from corruption, deletion or theft?  We are always told to have a ‘plan b’,

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How SSH Works

In our previous article we talked about how SSL certificates work and how they are important authentication methods for indicating your connection to the site is secure. We also mentioned that it’s necessary to secure your connection to the server as well. SSH does exactly that.   SHH Secure Shell is a network protocol that

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The importance of SSL and online security

Data security is important. In previous posts we’ve touched on topics such as securing your online accounts, securing your server and securing weaknesses from the inside, but what about securing your website? More specifically, the connection to your website? As websites are served to users, the information travels across a network computer to computer. In

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The Journey to IPv6

Many of our customers will be aware that there are two sets if IP addressing conventions.  We thought it would be interesting to look at the history of this.   Lets jump back to 1983, the Internet was conceived and the first set of addresses were allocated. There are around 4.2 billion valid IPv4 addresses;

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