Category: Advisory

What Black Friday Really Means for a Business

  It’s that time of the year again. Shoppers are getting ready to snap up the deals and retailers are preparing to cash in on the hype. In the following months, online shopping will see a surge worldwide. Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, China’s Singles day, boxing day sales, this is the season to be

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Manchester is Growing

I couldn’t help but notice all the amazing building work going on in Manchester at the moment, If you compared the skyline of a couple years ago to the one today, you can visually see the progress and growth that Manchester is going through. St Peter’ Square has gone through a dramatic makeover, tram lines

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Do we need to be afraid of the future? Is our data safe?

There’s a lot of scaremongering going on in the press about technology and security. Company data leaks, compromised accounts, ransomware affecting our public services, the list goes on. Naturally, people always ask me about data security and whether they can trust their data with third parties. My answer is mostly ‘yes’. Businesses have a duty

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5 Ways to Secure Your Server

  When you are trying to keep your business safe from hackers and other cyber-attacks it’s important to cover all your bases, particularly with the new rules and regulations around GDPR coming in May 2018 next year. Here are some of the ways you can keep your business safe: SSH Keys These are cryptographic keys

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Do you really need to be told about backup again?

The answer is yes. It will always be yes. We will probably be hearing phrases like ‘backup your data regularly to make sure important files don’t get lost’ for quite some time into the future – in many different contexts also, whether its your mobile phone, personal computer or data on your server. There’s a

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Is your Dedicated Server Protected with a Firewall?

  You’ve probably heard about firewalls before. But do you actually know what it does and why you need one? Sites are under constant bombardment from different types of attack and leaving a server connected online without even a basic firewall is incredibly risky. You wouldn’t leave your front door open whilst you sleep at night would

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What the GDPR means for Digital Agencies

The GDPR will affect any organisation that collects and processes the data of any citizen within the EU… so that basically means that almost all businesses will need to comply with it in some way. But what does it actually mean for you as a digital agency?   The marketing industry will be affected in

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Are you clued up on the GDPR?

If you’re in business you are probably aware of something called the Data Protection Act 1998 – but how aware are you of the General Data Protection Regulation? The GDPR is similar to the DPR we have in the UK, but there are some significant changes and requirements that could directly impact your organisation in

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Is backup important enough yet?

  When the WannaCry Ransomware virus surfaced, it did so at a global scale. The attack crippled more than 200,000 organisations in 150 countries worldwide and the rate of infection was staggering. In the UK, The National Health Service (NHS) did not fare well at all. Around 47 regions were unable to proceed with appointments

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