Category: 2020

Disaster recovery: why do you need it?

Disasters come in various shapes and sizes, unplanned, and have the potential to strike at any time.  If 2020 has taught us anything, the world is unpredictable. There are a number of scenarios that can come with little to no warning and may hit your business hard (cyber-attacks, hardware failure, floods and fires) to name

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Datacentreplus launch interactive Agency Tram Map 2020

We are very excited to launch our 2020 Interactive Manchester Agency Tram Map. The Interactive Agency Tram Map builds upon the 2019 version, providing an indication of how many digital agency specialists we have across Greater Manchester and this will continue to grow as Manchester attracts the best of e-commerce, digital and media across the

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Is your data at risk? Could you lose everything?

In information technology, a backup, or the process of backing up, refers to the copying or archiving of computer data so it may be used to restore the original following a data loss event. Keeping a backup of your important business files and data is essential for several important reasons. The increase in ransomware attacks

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Cloud vs Dedicated Server – What’s the best option for my business?

While comparing different service providers you’ll have probably heard of two of the more common types of services from data centres:  cloud hosting and dedicated servers. While any of these would be able to get you started it’s important to choose the service that best suits your business needs. Both have their advantages and disadvantages

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How to minimise the risk of cyber crime in the workplace

Computer and IT security has become a critical part of a business’s operations and plays a big part in its success or otherwise. We often get asked a lot of questions about workplace security and the importance of cyber security audits, so thought it would be worthwhile putting a short guide together to help you

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How your business benefits from a dedicated server hosting solution

A ‘dedicated server’ is a computer that typically sits in a data centre and is specially designed for that purpose. A dedicated server is the ultimate in power, security, and control and opting for a dedicated server means that you won’t have to share resources with anyone else. As your business grows and develops there

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Covid-19 help and support for businesses

The Covid-19 pandemic is being felt across the whole world. Businesses of all shapes and sizes are facing crazy times, with many struggling to survive and access key resources during the shutdown period.  However, there are some great businesses actively providing help by offering advice for companies who are adapting to the changes and also

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Working From Home Survival Guide

As we head into a further period of lockdown many of us have adopted policies for staff working from home and some of us are still looking for best practices.  Below are Stephen Hobson’s our Head of Customer Engagement top tips for staff members and teams for working from home: Environment My first tip is

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World Backup Day 2020

Today is World Backup Day!  It’s the annual reminder to people and business owners to protect their data to avoid looking like a fool on April Fool’s Day. Backing up your data is a simple but essential step to protecting what matters – whether that’s business files, personal photos, videos, emails, apps, or your corporate

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How to enhance your data security

We understand how important data protection and data security is to your business (and is the area that we are most often asked to advise on), which is why we have put together some key ways in which you can enhance your data security and secure your systems.  What is Data Security? Data security refers

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