Barnabus Manchester: Unsung heroes provide vital support

Today we are celebrating the support we receive from an unsung hero of our work. Behind the scenes Datacentreplus have been hosting our client database pro bono as part of their commitment to give back to the community in Manchester.

This might not sound very important but it is critical to be able to record our interactions with our friends. Tracking and sharing their progress helps them to them rebuild their lives. As Datacentreplus are providing this essential service for free, they help us to put more resources into frontline work with our friends.

Datacentreplus has been hosting the database since we replaced our original one in 2019. Our Case Worker Manager Stephen Rowley had this to say about our new database compared to the old: “By the time we came to replacing our old database it had slow loading times and sometimes even crashed. Our case workers would have to work harder to prevent our friends from becoming frustrated during meetings because this limited our ability to help them.  A faster running database allows our support team to focus all their efforts on helping our friends needs rather than being delayed by technical issues.”

We can better track all our interactions with our friends; big or small. This allows us to track the care we offer and improve our service from this data. We are better able to look out for our friends, as it is easier to see if someone is perhaps stagnating or their situation is deteriorating. We can then approach the person and see if how we can intervene and help them.

Stephen Hobson, Business Director at Datacentreplus told us, “We are really proud to be able to help Barnabus with the important work they are doing in our community. Datacentreplus are committed to helping charitable organisations and after speaking with Yvonne at Barnabus on a number of occasions we felt that assisting on some of their hosting requirements was the very least we could do, and we hope to support them even more going forward”.

Our new hosting service has improved the service we offer our friends; we would recommend Datacentreplus for anyone who needs fast, reliable data hosting services. Now we have peace of mind that our friends’ personal data is safe, secure and reliably stored to be quickly accessible as and when they need it.

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