Bank of England’s visit to Datacentreplus

Bank of England

We are very proud to have welcomed John Young, advisor to the Monetary Policy Committee for the Bank of England to our data centre based in MediaCityUK, Manchester.

As part of his remit, John is responsible for ‘taking the pulse’ of the business community here and he was really keen to talk to companies in the technology sector to see how they are shaping the business landscape of Manchester.

John Young previously met Datacentreplus CEO, Mashukul Hoque, at a roundtable discussion last year, making this the second time the two have met within the last 12 months.

Datacentreplus is a well-established cloud hosting company, specialising in providing premium hosting services to digital agencies and other businesses where their data is a critical part of their operations.

As part of his visit, John gained an understanding of what a data centre does, the importance of data to businesses and how Datacentreplus is working to support and nurture other digital sector companies.

John, accompanied by Datacentreplus CEO, Mashukul Hoque, Operations Manager, Syed Ali and Network Engineer, Jon Marshall undertook a tour of the £1million data centre, which represents a major investment in the local area.


CEO & Managing Director, Mashukul Hoque, commenting on the Bank of England’s visit says:

“We were delighted to welcome John to tour our facilities and were genuinely impressed with his interest in and knowledge of the digital sector. Also, we do think it is really important for central government to see how smaller businesses play a key role in the economy of a large city and we look forward to more such visits.”

As well as taking a tour of the facilities, John was also challenged to play some classic arcade games on our Atari arcade machine – at which he was surprisingly adept!


Communication Manager, Rachel Waters, comments:

“It was a real pleasure to talk to John and (re)introduce him to some classic arcade games at the same time, which he really seemed to enjoy!  It will be great to welcome him back to a re-match in the near future ”.


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