A channel ready for change

We recently exhibited at the Convergence Summit North in Harrogate. We were represented by Gareth Riley and Emily Cole.  Gareth has worked in the Channel for a long at time and this was the year he noticed the most change. We thought it would be useful to share some of his thoughts:

“While not my first time attending the event, it is my first time exhibiting as a company that can make a difference.

Having worked in the channel for 18 years and having watched the evolution of the wholesale market, this year’s show so far has given a real feeling of a sea change.

With product sets now anything but traditional, it wasn’t entirely unpredictable that partners would be talking about the protection of revenues, future-proofing and expanding portfolios. This has been a common theme for a number of years.

However, a lot of talk around the exhibition hall made it feel like this is the year that Datacentreplus have an offering that partners actually want. Without naming names, there was strong representation from the North’s DC businesses, none with the flexibility we had on offer.

The ability to understand and access cloud-based technologies to support growth has never been more important. The seminars and keynotes said as much – covering topics ranging from “Pitching non-traditional products” to “the truth about cloud”.

But I believe the key to ensuring channel organisations can “pitch non-traditional products” or really determine “the truth about cloud”, is for DC providers to roll their sleeves up, understand that they have a role to share knowledge but importantly accommodate partners.

The channel often goes under the radar for its role in the rise of the small business. Our relationships, customer service and nimbleness all making for a unique approach in the delivery of technology to partners. Let’s support that nimbleness and forward thinking.”

Gareth Riley – Head of business development.

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