How to Create a Demo cPanel Account

This article explains how to create and delete a demo account. These accounts allow users, such as potential customers, to navigate the features of cPanel & WHM. The users will not be able to make changes to any files or settings.

How to create a demo account

To create a new demo account, perform the following steps:

1. Log in to WHM.

2. Navigate to WHM’s Create a New Account interface (WHM >> Home >> Account Functions >> Create a New Account).

3. Enter a domain name in the Domain text box.

4. The Username text box will auto-populate or you can create a custom username.

5. Create a custom password or use the Password Generator feature.

6. Enter a contact email address in the Email text box.

7. Click Create to use default settings, or choose any desired settings.

8. Navigate to WHM’s Manage Demo Mode interface (WHM >> Home >> Account Functions >> Manage Demo Mode).

9. Select the account that you created.

10. Click Modify.

11. Click Enable.

How to delete a demo account

To delete a demo account, perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to WHM’s Terminate Accounts interface (WHM >> Home >> Multi Account Functions >> Terminate Accounts).

2. Select the demo account that you wish to delete.

3. Click Remove.

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