Magento & eCommerce Servers

Secure eCommerce hosting solutions

We’ll help you get up and running as smoothly as possible. Get in touch with one of our specialists today.

Magento & eCommerce offering

Available OSs include CentOS, Debian & Ubuntu

Magento offers solutions that are perfect for businesses of all sizes who are looking to get their store up and running quickly.  By utilising its core eCommerce features, along with its scalability and flexibility, you can quickly and easily create unique online shopfronts, with built-in security features to protect both you and your customers.

 Magento has a number of unique features, such as  standard out-of-the box features and easy integration with third-parties, including all the major payment gateways.


Small Magento Platform – up to 20,000 Products


Medium Magento Platform – 20,000 – 100,000 Products


Small-Medium Database

Datacentreplus’s team of Magento-certified specialists combine a deep understanding of industry best practice with personal experience of successfully setting up and updating hundreds of Magento environments. Configuring and managing highly secure Magento solutions; no matter how simple or complex. 

At Datacentreplus, we specialise in managed eCommerce hosting solutions. Our Magento-optimised eCommerce hosting platforms can run on a range of our eCommerce hosting solutions, from cloud to dedicated servers, boosting your performance and maximising your security.

Designed to free up as much of the underlying hosting resources as possible, our eCommerce platforms give you fast web page load-speed and ensure that your eCommerce solution can cope with huge spikes in traffic. Remain online at all times, even during those extremely busy peak periods.

Datacentreplus’s level of expertise for your managed eCommerce hosting solution, means that our eCommerce hosting specialists can work closely with you to deliver a hosting solution to suit your specific requirements, supporting your growth and digital transformation, now and in the future.

Reliable & Scalable eCommerce Hosting

Magento Pre-Installation & Optimisation

Get the most out of your dedicated server with our Magento optimised servers.

24x7x365 Support

Support provided directly by our on site engineers who will help deal with any problems immediately.

Built- In Cache

Our servers include cache technologies like Memcached & Varnish ensuring an unbeatable performance.

PCI Compliant Hosting

All our e-commerce servers meet the requirements Mandated by the PCI DSS.

Cloudflare CDN

Deliver fast web page load times to improve your customer experience.

Web Server Load Balancing

Improve the performance and reliability of your web sites by distributing the workload across multiple servers.