Cloud Hosting – What’s it all about?

What is meant by Cloud Hosting you ask? It may be a phrase that you hear all the time, but are not familiar with. Well, simply put, Cloud Hosting is basically accessing and storing data through the internet rather than through your computer’s hard drive. Essentially, the cloud is just a metaphor for computing. One thing to remember is that cloud hosting is not about your hard drive when you store data here, that’s known as local storage. Admittedly, everything you need is close to you, as your hard drive is connected to your computer, which means accessing your data is quick and easy. Things functioned this way for decades, and this is why some hard drive fanatics will argue that it’s still superior to cloud hosting. However, there are situations where cloud hosting is a better option.


So, what’s all the fuss about?


Cloud hosting has been around for more than a decade and offers great stability and a modern way of storing data. According to a study by the International Data Group, 69% of businesses are already using cloud technology in one capacity or another, and 18% say they plan to implement cloud-computing solutions at some point.  Simultaneously, Dell reports that companies who invest in big data, cloud, mobility and security enjoy 53% faster revenue growth than their competitors. Cloud servers are built and hosted through a cloud hosting platform on the internet, and you’ll be pleased to know that they can be accessed remotely! They’re already pre-built with all the software they require to run and can function as independent units, and any good hosting provider will know that it is a much safer way to store your data.


So, what are the benefits?


Increased performance & flexibility


Cloud hosting makes websites and other online applications accessible via cloud resources. Unlike traditional hosting, solutions are not put on a single server. Instead, a network of connected virtual and physical cloud servers hosts the application or website, ensuring greater flexibility and scalability for your business and guarantees no single point of failure. 

Cost savings


Cloud hosting solutions tend to have lower costs attached to them than dedicated servers. As with any hosting solution, some features can increase the overall cost so it’s best to speak to your hosting provider on the specific requirements you may need.



Unlike traditional hosting, cloud hosting infrastructure secures your data at various levels, such as network, data, application, and physical security. This ensures data safety through customers’ identity management, proper data isolation and storage segregation, secure and encrypted solutions, firewalls and backup recoveries.



You get scalability with cloud servers. It is very easy and quick to upgrade by adding memory and disk space, as well as being more affordable – our CloudPLUS system can be expanded with more RAM or vCPU if this is something our client(s) desired.


So, where should I go from here?


Cloud Hosting may seem daunting, as it means migrating your data, applications, email or software to the cloud so it’s accessible anywhere around the world. But it doesn’t have to be, here at Datacentreplus we can switch you over in under 30 minutes! If you would like to find out more information about what cloud hosting is, please contact us by ringing 0161 464 6101 or chat with us on our website, and one of our friendly team will be more than happy to help!

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