Happy International Women’s Day!

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. IWD has been observed for over 100 years with a focus on unity, equality and diversity and primarily celebrates the movement for women’s rights.

Our company is proud to be celebrating women where the great Suffragettes movement began, right here in Manchester! The inspirational political activist, Emmeline Pankhurst, was born in Moss Side in 1858. Infuriated by the lack of progress in the campaign for votes for women, she set up the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU). With her empowering speeches and provocative demonstrations, Pankhurst gave women a voice and the courage to fight for their right to vote and have the same rights as their male counterparts. The female-only party later became known commonly as the suffragettes, taking the originally offensive term which meant ‘nasty woman’ and reclaiming it in a show of power.

On this day we celebrate and support women globally by industry, governments, educational institutions, community groups, women’s networks, charities, non-profit bodies, the media and more. It is so important to celebrate the achievements of women and to push forward for equal rights for all across the globe.

One of the ways we’re celebrating International Women’s day is by teaming up with our friends and partners over at GB Shared, ATTAIN Digital, Forever Manchester and Barnabus Manchester to applaud women in business and their achievements. Here are some of our favourite quotes by the inspiring women we’re lucky enough to work with on achieving success and working towards our goals.

If you would like any more information on IWD, how you can get involved or are interested in joining the IWD community please click here.


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