My Apprenticeship: One Year at Datacentreplus

We are thrilled to celebrate Josh’s first year at Datacentreplus and our 1 year anniversary of our Apprenticeship scheme!

Just over 365 days ago, Josh joined our marketing team as a Digital Marketing Apprentice, since then he has gained a sound understanding of the marketing world and continues to do some really impressive work here at Datacentreplus.

What exciting things have you been up to this year?

One of the most exciting things I have been up to this year includes my work on our our Agency Tram Map campaign. I was tasked with researching, designing and developing the map which was a big challenge with the vast number of Manchester-based agencies, but it was very rewarding to see the results and the reaction of the digital agency community in Manchester. 

Outside of the office, I have also completed my Digital Marketing Business Principles qualification. This has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding into the basics of content marketing and the importance of planning digital content and campaigns.

I am currently undertaking my second week of my CIW Coding course and preparing for my exam in the coming weeks (exams aren’t exciting!) – but the results are!

What do you like best about your role?

I love the diversity of the work I do, no day is ever the same, especially when it comes to content, social media, graphic and video production.

What is the funniest thing that has happened in the office?

Haha, I’ve got a good one! We were all sitting in the office and we had some tunes on the speaker, Dave came out of the boardroom and sat down just as a song got to the end “Past Life – Tame Impala” (The song ends with someone picking up the phone and saying ‘Hello’). As the song came to an end, Dave thought someone was on the phone and started shouting “Hello!?” until the bleak reality hit him that no-one was on the phone. He had the whole office in stitches!

What is your favourite thing about working at Datacentreplus?

We have such a great team at the office, everyone gets on so well! We’re kind of like a mini family. We always have the tunes going! (Usually Radio X – my favourite!)

What does the future look like for Datacentreplus?

The future is exciting! We are stepping up our game on video and we have an exciting new image for the brand of Datacentreplus! Keep your eyes peeled everyone!








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